Press release -

International specialists recognise a new scientific partner

Arla Foods Ingredients earns a place on the infant nutrition map

 Arla Foods Ingredients consolidated its position as a serious player within infant nutrition at the 2011 annual meeting of ESPGHAN – the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.
“The meeting raised our visibility to a level where we are now more widely recognised as a scientific partner,” says Marcus Gliwitzki, infant nutrition business development manager.
At the event, Arla Foods Ingredients hosted a satellite symposium. The presentations by four leading paediatric nutrition experts covered three key ingredients in the Arla Foods Ingredients’ infant nutrition portfolio: osteopontin, alpha-lactalbumin and sialic acid.
“Participants in the symposium and visitors to our stand showed equal interest in our whey-derived ingredients and the scientific documentation we are able to provide. The ingredients are very relevant to today’s infant nutrition trends.” Gliwitzki remarks.

The next scientific meeting will be the 4th World Congress of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition in Taipei, Taiwan on 14-18 November 2012.