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How to estimate your cars scrap value before selling it to Junk car removals West Perth

Is there a car you don’t drive anymore rusting in your driveway for years without any resale value left in it? Well, you are getting it wrong, for a car is never completely valueless and if it doesn’t have any resale value left in it, its scrap value or salvage value is still there. You can practically still sale your unusable car for good cash if you know the right scrap price for your car and also from where to get it.

When your car becomes a scrap

Before we start estimating the scrap value of your car, let us consider the situations when a car can be labeled as a scrap or junk. If your car has become practically unusable, if its cost of repairing is more than its current value or it has been damaged for some reason and repairing is not possible any more you can consider it as a scrap and sell it the Junk car removals West Perth.

Other possible situations when a car can be considered as scrap are –

  • If you can’t get a roadworthy certificate or fitness certificate for your car from the concerned authorities
  • If it doesn’t meet the required criteria for the car buyback programs
  • If the car is flooded or rusted and cannot be used any more

How to estimate the scrap value of your car

A number of different factors come in when it comes to estimating the scrap value of a car. Let us take a look at the factors those play determining role in the valuation process –

  • Weight: This is the primary indication of how much your car may cost as a scrap. The heavier the car the better is the price. When you sell your car to the scrap yard they will recycle the metal from it and the more metal you have the more value you will get.
  • Make, model and engine: The scrap value of a vehicle also depends upon factors like its make that is brand, model and also year of manufacturing. Particular models may get better value from the car collectors than the Scrap car removals Ascot and in that case you may get a value that is much higher than its estimated scrap value.
  • Depreciation: Calculating the scrap value of your car can be pretty straight forward for it is based upon subtracting the depreciation value from the original value of the year depending upon the number of years for which it has been used.

Using a scrap value calculator

A number of scrap car removals are now offering their customers online scrap value calculators in orders to give their clients a quick estimation of the value of their car. All they are required to do is input certain information regarding the make and model of the car and few other things and the calculator will provide them w a near accurate instant estimate. Introduction of this scrap value calculator has made it easier for the car owners to get the right value on their old unused cars.