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Sérfræðingar frá Bruun Rasmussen-uppboðshúsinu heimsækja Ísland 31. maí.
Sérfræðingar frá Bruun Rasmussen-uppboðshúsinu heimsækja Ísland 31. maí.

Press release -

Liggur þú á gulli? Sérfræðingar frá Bruun Rasmussen-uppboðshúsinu heimsækja Ísland

Átt þú í þínum fórum listmuni, hönnunarmuni, skartgripi, armbandsúr, myntir eða frímerki sem þurfa að komast til nýrra eigenda? Þú getur fengið hlutina þína metna hjá sérfræðingum Bruun Rasmussen 31. maí þegar þeir heimsækja Ísland.

Hefur þú einhvern tímann velt því fyrir þér hvers virði hlutirnir þínir eru? Þú getur brátt fengið svör við spurningum þínum því sérfræðingar frá Bruun Rasmussen eru á leiðinni til Íslands og eru tilbúnir að meta listmuni, listahandverk, hönnunarmuni, armbandsúr, skartgripi, silfurmuni, myntir og frímerki.

Þeir verða í Norræna húsinu við Sæmundargötu 11, 101 Reykjavík, 31. maí frá kl. 14-17.

Mikil eftirspurn hjá kaupendum

Nú er mikil eftirspurn hjá kaupendum Bruun Rasmussen og því er heimsóknin tilvalið tækifæri til að taka til í geymslunum og íhuga hvort þú eigir að senda hlutina þína á uppboð.

„Einmitt nú er m.a. mikil eftirspurn eftir bæði dönskum og alþjóðlegum hönnunarhúsgögnum, Salto-keramikvörum, eldri PH-lömpum, CoBrA- og samtímalist. Verk norrænna listamanna eins og Jóhannesar S. Kjarval, Ásgríms Jónssonar, Jóns Stefánssonar, Kristínar Jónsdóttur, Þorvalds Skúlasonar, Nínu Tryggvadóttur, Guðmundar Guðmundssonar, Gunnlaugs Blöndal og Ólafs Elíassonar eru ennþá mikils metin.Við hlökkum því mikið til að heimsækja Ísland og vonumst til að sjá marga fallega og spennandi gripi,“ segir Peter Beck, yfirmaður matsdeildar hjá Bruun Rasmussen.

Sem hluti af hnattrænu neti Bonhams á Bruun Rasmussen stóran alþjóðlegan kaupendahóp og heldur vikulega uppboð á netinu ásamt fjórum árlegum hefðbundnum uppboðum í Kaupmannahöfn þar sem mjög sérstakir hlutir fara undir hamarinn. Hver veit – ef til vill er áhugasamur kaupandi að leita einmitt að þínum hlut?

Matið er þér að kostnaðarlausu. Við afhendingu sér uppboðshúsið um endurgjaldslausan flutning til Danmerkur.

Nánari upplýsingar fást með því að hafa samband við:

List- og hönnunarmunir o.fl.: Peter Beck · +45 8818 1186 ·

Myntir: Michael Märcher · +45 8818 1202 ·

Frímerki: Torben Ringtved · +45 8818 1225 ·


"Going once, going twice. Sold to the lady in the front row”. For 75 years, Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers has sold art, antiques, design, jewellery, wristwatches and collector’s items in the heart of Copenhagen. It was Arne Bruun Rasmussen who founded the auction house at Bredgade 33 in 1948, and until 2022 the Bruun Rasmussen family owned the company. Today, the company is owned by the British auction house Bonhams - one of the world's leading and oldest auction houses.

Being a part of Bonhams, means that Bruun Rasmussen has joined a global network, which benefits both the art and the customers, the latter has gained access to far more auctions and the former has a better chance of achieving the market's best hammer prices. The goal is to constantly confirm to our customers that Bruun Rasmussen is a sought-after auction house with the highest expertise in valuation and sales. Bonhams and Bruun Rasmussen share the core values of knowledge, credibility, commitment and renewal, and the old Copenhagen auction house will thus continue to base its business on its well-known values under the auspices of Bonhams.

With CEO Jakob Dupont at the helm, an extensive digitization process has taken place during the past years, making the auction house a significant player on the international market. With solid experience and in-depth knowledge complemented by highly professional advice and appraisal service, the company is the link between sellers and interested buyers from all over the world. Every year, 70,000 unique works of art are sold at two types of auctions – the traditional Live Auctions and the Online Auctions.


Kirstine Dam Olsen

Kirstine Dam Olsen

Press contact +45 8818 1064

Bruun Rasmussen – Part of the Bonhams Network

"Going once, going twice. Sold to the lady in the front row". For more than 75 years, the auction house Bruun Rasmussen has sold art, antiques, design, jewellery, wristwatches and collector’s items such as wine, books, coins and stamps. After having been family-owned through three generations, we were bought in 2022 by the English auction house Bonhams, which was founded in England in 1793 and is today one of the world's leading auction houses. We are now part of an international network with a global reach, and we present and sell art where it makes the most sense in relation to potential buyers. This also means that through the network we offer more than 60 categories of items at our auctions.

Art and credibility are at the heart of everything we do. The work in the auction house places great demands on our knowledge of art and trends on the market. Our specialists are the most experienced and competent in the industry, and in the Bonhams Network we share knowledge and communicate across national borders with a large number of international specialists. This way, we can provide the best valuation and advice that have become our trademark – and thereby offer the best lots from all categories and achieve the highest hammer prices for the benefit of our customers.

Tradition and innovation go hand in hand. At Bruun Rasmussen, we are one of Europe's most modern and digital auction houses, and it is only natural for us to adapt to changes in the market. Innovation is part of our DNA, while we are also deeply rooted in our history. The foundation of the company rests on our two types of auctions – Online Auction and Live Auction. Every week we put more than a thousand lots up for auction at, and several times a year we present exclusive lots live in our saleroom. We are proud to sell art and design in virtually every category and price range to and for people all over the world who are driven by the same passion as we are.

We want to be a living centre of culture, and since the autumn of 2023, we have been located in Lyngby north of Copenhagen in a new, modern domicile. Here you can not only explore among all the art objects on display and bid on the exciting auctions, you can also meet our specialists, get an estimate on your own items, consign them for auction, listen to exciting lectures and participate in cultural events. We also have branches in Aarhus and Glostrup and regularly go on valuation trips around Denmark and abroad. Our goal is to always be available and for everyone to have a good experience in our auction house.

Welcome to Bruun Rasmussen – we can help you make a good purchase or achieve a great sale!

Bruun Rasmussen – Part of the Bonhams Network

Nørgaardsvej 3
2800 Kongens Lyngby

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