Press release -

All clear for healthier beverages

New transparent colors are natural and have superior stability.

"Health and wellness is all important in today’s food industry, and consumers prefer foods with natural colors. Cleaner labels and natural antioxidants such as polyphenols or carotenoids are a must for all the big beverage producers. This is the trend that our ColorFruit™ range caters to."

So says Luc Ganivet. He is Marketing Manager for Colors at Chr. Hansen, the world’s leading supplier of natural colors. The company today extends its ColorFruit™ range of natural colors with four transparent shades that are tailor made for making clear beverages.

The new, natural red, orange, yellow, and violet are all made from fruits and vegetables. They offer the beverage industry an attractive natural alternative to the widespread use of synthetics like Tartrazine, Allura Red, or Sunset Yellow.

Less is more in healthy foods

The ColorFruit™ range covers all shades from yellow to violet, but is based on just two pigments, natural carotene and anthocyanins.

The excellent stability of the new, transparent colors owe much to a unique technology developed by the researchers at Chr. Hansen. The technology optimizes the intermolecular relationships of the color molecules and creates colors with superior heat and light stability.

"These colors are exceptionally stable in a wide range of acidic beverages such as diet and regular soft drinks, near waters, alcoholic beverages or malternatives. They open the door to lots of new, exciting beverage products," says Mr. Ganivet.

Chr. Hansen is the world’s leading supplier of natural colors for the food and beverage industry - a market with a total size currently estimated at 285 million euro.


  • Food, Drink

Chr. Hansen is a global bioscience company that develops natural ingredient solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. The products include cultures, enzymes, probiotics and natural colors, and all solutions are based on strong research and development competencies coupled with significant technology investments. Revenue in the 2013/14 financial year was EUR 756 million. The company holds a leading market position in all its divisions: Cultures & Enzymes, Health & Nutrition and Natural Colors. It has more than 2,500 dedicated employees in over 30 countries and main production facilities in Denmark, France, USA and Germany. Chr. Hansen was founded in 1874 and is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen.


Helle Rexen

Press contact Media relations officer +45 20 74 28 40