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Compliance is our superpower

From the Crowd1 Compliance Desk. 

When we talk about compliance at Crowd1 we firstly state the business values that we want our entire organisation to adhere to and pass on to Employees, Affiliates, Customers, Prospects and indeed everybody looking at Crowd1 from the outside.

First and foremost, we are united and we are committed to each other.

We are passionate.

We believe in the success of Crowd1.

We are all striving towards a long-term sustainable future together.

We share a common goal, a mutual commitment to pay commissions and salaries always, without fail, in perpetuity.

The unifying message of course is that we want to succeed, we want each other to succeed and we want Crowd1 to succeed.

Compliance is a fundamental part of our success.

We have to be working on the assumption that the hypergrowth we have experienced, are experiencing and continue to envision does not scare us. We are not frightened of our success, on the contrary, we are enormously proud of it and because of that, we are constantly planning and working to have the processes in place to ensure that our success has the solid foundation of well-drafted and universally observed compliance.

Compliance is our superpower.

Even a small mistake can have a disproportionately major impact on our continued success, and might even be a tripwire that causes us to stumble, perhaps reversing our growth. We have to be aware of the absolute importance of our compliance processes, both from the top-down corporate side and from the bottom-up Affiliate side.

Compliance isn't something we do to dot the 'i's and cross the 't's, as the English say. It's not an unglamorous afterthought to our operation. It's at the heart of our success, both past, present and continuing into the future, because it inoculates us against the potential for making unnecessary, and unnecessarily damaging mistakes.

Safeguarding our integrity means setting the guidelines for compliance and enforcing them without fail. To this end we have processes inbuilt into the Affiliate status of our Crowd1 community that are vital for both our collective and individual success.

Registration is the first step in this process. You should always ensure that the data you provide is accurate, correct and the same as what you put in your KYC. All of your data is locked after 14 days, after which small changes of 3 digits or less can be made for a fee of 5 euros. Bigger changes entail a transfer of ownership, which can only be done through Compliance and costs 75 euros. So the message is, get it right the first time.

The next important step regarding compliance is to fill out your KYC as soon as possible after becoming a Crowd1 Affiliate. It is not compulsory to do it and you can get around to it as soon as you want, but quicker is better, not least because filling out your KYC fully opens up your earning capabilities. Just make sure you follow the instructions and do it right!

Other important compliance issues include strict rules to observe regarding poaching, cross sponsoring and cross recruiting. This means that you can't 'poach' Crowd1 Affiliates to another business, particularly another network marketing operation. Equally, you're not allowed to sponsor or to attempt to sponsor people into other e-commerce marketing organisations when you are a Crowd1 Affiliate, or 'participate in a process that causes such cross-sponsorship to occur'. And you can't cross recruit, which is to steal other peoples' downlines, either active ones, or ones that have been inactive for less than six months.

Crowd1 enforces a zero tolerance policy regarding all of the above practices and will suspend accounts reported for or suspected of infringing those rules, freezing their commissions and bonuses while automatic investigations are launched, which may conclude in the termination of the offending Affiliate's account.

All of these are set down in detail under 'AFFILIATE STATUS & MEMBERSHIP TYPES' in Section VI of Policies and Procedures under 'Documents' in your Back Office, along with other compliance do's and don'ts, including password safety, multiple accounts and the procedures around investigation and suspension or account termination.

We strongly recommend reading the entire Policies and Procedures document in full, but in terms of compliance, particularly Section VI. If, perhaps, you may need further explanation and clarification, you can go to the FAQ section in the Back Office, where much of this information is given in shortened versions. Or you can ask your uplines for guidance, or contact Support.

And finally, we would like to take a moment to remind you that Compliance should always be immediately notified in case of the following events occurring:

  • The death of an Affiliate and/or the succession of a new Affiliate.
  • Divorce.
  • Creating Business Accounts.
  • The acquisition of an account.
  • The transfer of an account.
  • The rejection of KYC.
  • A hacked account.
  • A locked-out account or suspension due to any of various offences.
  • The termination of an account.
  • Appealing the suspension or termination of an account.
  • Trademarks.
  • Social Media violations.

The way to see Compliance, perhaps, is like this; if Crowd1 gives you the car to get to where you want to go, then compliance is a smooth and trouble-free road for both the car and the driver. Stick to that road and things will go well, go off-road and you're liable to get into all sorts of trouble.

And always remember to stay strong, stay positive, stay focused, but most of all, stay hungry for more growth, more success.

And to make all that happen in a way that ensures our continued strength, we need to stay compliant everywhere, always, without fail, forever.


  • crowd1


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