Press release -

Mexico: First steering committee meeting in Mexico approves programme activities

The initial activities under the Danish-Mexican Energy and Climate Programme will now be implemented

All the programme partners participated at the first steering committee meeting for the Danish-Mexican Energy and Climate Programme in Mexico, including the newly established independent system operator, Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (CENACE). The Danish ambassador to Mexico participated in the meeting on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency. During the meeting the inception report, terms and programme activities for the first year were approved as well as the partnership between CENACE and This results in programme funds now being available for the implementation of projects as described in the work programme.

The first project activities include:

  • Establishing and following a bilateral working group for wind resource ascertaining and forecasting
  • Support SENER in developing regulation to ensure the availability of wind data and efficient forecasting by market players and the system operator
  • Assessing the state of biomass/bioenergy in Mexico
  • A workshop with CFE on flexible operation of conventional power plants to facilitate introduction of more fluctuating renewable energy
  • Analytical support for scenarios and reduction potentials for input to a new climate agreement
  • Assisting PEMEX in designing an energy management system to improve energy efficiency in industries
  • Working with specific municipalities to improve regulation of energy efficiency in new buildings

The next steering committee meeting is expected to be held in conjunction with the Clean Energy Ministerial in Mexico in May 2015.

Edward James-Smith
Center for Forsyning
Tlf.: 33 92 75 44


  • Business enterprise, General


Ture Falbe-Hansen

Press contact Head of Media Relations Danish Energy Agency +45 25 13 78 46

Laura Andersen

Press contact Press Officer +45 33 95 09 06