Press release -

New EIA process for Vesterhav Syd initiated

The Energy Board of Appeal has cancelled and withdrawn the part of the construction licence for the Vesterhav Syd Offshore Wind Farm concerning assessment of environmental impacts, with a view to renewed processing by the Danish Energy Agency. A new EIA process has been initiated.

In its decision dated 20 December 2018, the Energy Board of Appeal completed processing a number of appeals concerning the Vesterhav Syd Offshore Wind Farm.

The Energy Board of Appeal has cancelled the part of the Danish Energy Agency’s licence to construct the Vesterhav Syd Offshore Wind Farm that concerns environmental impact assessment (EIA). An EIA supplement will now be drawn up for the specific project, and after this the Danish Energy Agency will be able to make its final decision on the matter, after consulting the public interests involved and with the right of appeal.

Energy Board of Appeal’s decision (in Danish).

Therefore, the Danish Energy Agency has today notified Vattenfall Vindkraft Vesterhav Syd P/S about initiation of a new EIA process for the Vesterhav Syd Offshore Wind Farm that will include the specific project and consultation process for the public interests involved. There will also be a right to appeal.

Construction licence for Vesterhav Nord likely to be reopened

The decision by the Energy Board of Appeal does not directly concern the Vesterhav Nord Offshore Wind Farm. However, the Danish Energy Agency also expects to reopen part of the construction licence for the Vesterhav Nord project to make a final decision with a right of appeal. The similarities between the two wind turbine projects, Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd, mean that there could also be a new EIA including public consultation for the Vesterhav Nord project. This will depend on a specific assessment. 

Contact: Ture Falbe-Hansen, Head of Media Relations, cell: +45 25 13 78 46, e-mail:

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  • renewable energy

The work of the Danish Energy Agency involves matters relating to energy supply and consumption, as well as Danish efforts to reduce carbon emissions. The Agency is also responsible for Danish building policy and promotes more sustainable building with regard to energy consumption, use of materials and economic issues.

The Agency is responsible for the entire chain of tasks linked to energy production and supply, transportation and consumption, including energy efficiency and savings as well as Danish national CO2 targets and initiatives to limit emissions of greenhouse gasses. The Agency supports building-policy initiatives to increase the productivity and quality of building as well as the operation and maintenance of buildings, with focus on sustainable building. The Agency also collaborates with the building sector to establish a good framework for the industry.

The Danish Energy Agency was established in 1976, and is an agency under the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building. The Agency employs about 360 persons.


Ture Falbe-Hansen

Press contact Head of Media Relations Danish Energy Agency +45 25 13 78 46

Laura Andersen

Press contact Press Officer +45 33 95 09 06