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3 simple tips to help you find the perfect office chair

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3 simple tips to help you find the perfect office chair

As you know, it is not the aim of most office chairs to contribute to the well-being of the persons who sit on them and to their long and happy life. On the contrary. Unfortunately. This is news to you? Then we recommend that you read the "5 Signs that your office chair wants to kill you". You will be shocked!

Did you read the article? Good, because we do not just want to scare you, we also want to help you find the right office chair. If you follow these three tips you will learn which office chair is really good for you.

Tip number 1: Think outside the box!

"An office chair needs armrests and a backrest and the upholstery should best be made of fine leather!" This is how most of us have long imagined the perfect office chair. But the days of huge executive chairs are definitely over, because the way we work has changed: office work today is mobile and agile. There is a vast selection of office chairs - from low-budget to high-end, most of these countless models, however, look the same - and above all: they are no longer state of the art. So why not take a look at some seemingly exotic chairs that do not come with backrests or on castors! This is where you will find true innovations.

Tip number 2: The office chair is there for you - and not the other way round.

All too often, it is solely the price that leads to a purchase decision. If it's cheap and the chair looks good, people buy it. What we tend to ignore: there is no other piece of furniture (except our own bed) on which we spend as much time as on an office chair. And that's why the office chair should fit its user perfectly. Does the office chair swing up and down? Can you individually adjust the suspension to your body weight? Is there a lateral swing, too, that can be adjusted? All this should be taken into account.

Tip number 3: Try out the office chair!

The best way to buy an office chair is still at a specialist retailer. They usually provide a large selection and expert advice. The biggest advantage: you can just try as many chairs as you like for yourself. But you should not yet stop here, because sitting on a chair in a shop has nothing to do with your everyday professional life. The chair needs to be tested in your office under real conditions. Try the office chair for two weeks and then decide whether it suits you!

Take these three simple tips to heart and hopefully you will find the right chair that will do you good.


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