Press release -

BOGNER reduces size of Supervisory Board and appoints new Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA is reducing the size of its Supervisory Board from six to three members in the future. As part of the performance program announced in July, the management team and the Supervisory Board consider this decision as another step in the right direction to improve the company's overall structure. The former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Prof. Klaus Volk, as well as the two members Rosemarie Haber and Holger Horn are successively stepping down from their positions. Dr. Andreas Bermig has taken over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board as of December 21, 2020. With him, Florinda Bogner and Christian Wissmann will remain members of the Supervisory Board. Rosemarie Haber will continue to support the Supervisory Board until the end of the fiscal year on March 31, 2021.

“I am looking forward to the new task and to accompanying BOGNER with its long-standing tradition on its way to a successful future,” says Dr. Andreas Bermig, new Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA. ”My focus will be on using my experience to further advance our unified commerce strategy and to make BOGNER even more digital.”

Dr. Andreas Bermig joined the Supervisory Board in 2018. With his expertise in digitization and e-commerce as well as his experience in the fashion industry, he is the ideal choice for the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Among others, he has worked for McKinsey and Zalando. In addition, he is co-founder of the internet portal ”bonify”. With Dr. Andreas Bermig and the remaining Supervisory Board members, the Supervisory Board continues to be very well positioned and has the necessary experience and expertise to provide the company with professional advice and constructive support on its path to digitization and unified commerce.

“I would like to thank Klaus Volk, Rosemarie Haber and Holger Horn for their support and commitment during a demanding time for the company,” adds Dr. Andreas Bermig. ”They have made a great contribution in the current transformation phase. The company is on a good track.”

Prof. Klaus Volk explains, ”BOGNER has made the turnaround in recent years and is now in a solid position. It has been a great honor and pleasure for me to accompany and support the company on this path. With the management team of Gerrit Schneider and Heinz Hackl, as well as the professionally staffed Supervisory Board, which I hold in high esteem, the company has a strong leadership team to continue the growth course it has embarked upon. BOGNER is becoming more digital, younger and more modern. The Supervisory Board should also reflect this. For me, it is therefore the right moment to step down from the Chairmanship of the Supervisory Board. I wish the management team and especially my successor Andreas Bermig all the best.”


  • Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure

Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA, based in Munich, is an internationally successful lifestyle company and the leading provider of exclusive sports fashion, luxurious sportswear and designer fashion. The company appears in over 50 countries with the BOGNER (Woman, Man, Sport, Kids) and FIRE+ICE brands as well as licences. The company, which has existed since 1932, is led by Heinz Hackl and Gerrit Schneider, owner is Willy Bogner represented by trustee Arndt Geiwitz. More information: 


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