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American Council on Germany: Sustainable Urban Development Study Tour

Greenrock Energy empfiehlt die Sustainable Urban Development Study Tour des American Council on Germany. Mitarbeiter der Greenrock Energy AG waren Teilnehmer bei der letzten Tour und konnten viele neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen. "Unsere Tour führte durch Berlin und Leipzig sowie Denver und Pittsburgh und war ein absoluter Augenöffner für innovative und funktionierende Ansätze," sagt Frank Hilgenfeld, Leiter der Unternehmenskommunikation des Berliner Unternehmens. "Ich empfehle die Tour jedem, der neue Einblicke gewinnen möchte, kulturelle Hürden überwinden sowie Menschen kennenlernen möchte, mit denen man auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks Projekte umsetzen kann." 

Das Programm eröffnet Menschen, die die Zukunft von Städten, Regionen und Energie planen, verdenken und umsetzen, die Möglichkeit, in zwei Städten der USA und Deutschland exzellente Beispiele kennenzulernen. Die Tour findet im Dezember in Deutschland statt und voraussichtlich im März in den USA. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 23. August 2019. Hier die Ausschreibung im Original:

Building on the American Council on Germany’s history of best practice exchanges among urban affairs experts, the ACG is conducting a two-part immersive program on sustainable urban development. This initiative is designed to focus on the growing importance of cities in promoting strong transatlantic relations. The ACG will bring together American and German practitioners working in urban affairs and sustainability in Germany in late Fall of 2019 and in the United States in the Spring 2020. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how their counterparts on the other side of the Atlantic are tackling sustainability challenges, including but not limited to urban mobility, affordable housing, renewable energies, and resource scarcity. The Sustainable Urban Development Study Tour allows groups of urban professionals to receive an in-depth look at urban planning and city management as they improve the lives of their citizens and plan for the future.

The ACG will select approximately eight Americans and eight Germans to take part in the two-part study tour. During each segment, the ACG will arrange a series of meetings with city officials, nongovernmental organizations, and think tanks to discuss local challenges and how to tackle them. Participants travel as a group to two cities in each country, to gain different perspectives on the concerns that cities are facing today. The ACG will cover international and domestic travel expenses (economy class), as well as accommodations and meals. There is a €500 participation fee to take part in this program.

Participants will be expected to continue the dialogue and engage with one another between the two trips through an online platform. Upon completing the study tours, participants are required to submit an analytical report on their findings. The reports will be published by the American Council on Germany.

Candidates must be local government officials, employees of a non-governmental organization that works closely with a local government, or journalists reporting on urban issues. Participants must commit to take part in both portions of the program in order to be selected. The group will travel to Germany December 8 to 14, 2019, and to the two U.S. cities in the spring of 2020, tentatively in March.