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Lars Pettersson new CEO at neXus

neXus' Board of Directors has appointed Lars Pettersson President and CEO of the corporation. Lars most recently comes from the role as President and CEO of Bisnode.

Lars Pettersson has over 25 years of CEO-experience in IT or IT-related companies, with extensive knowledge particularly as to how to acquire and consolidate businesses for corporations in rapid development. Before running Bisnode, Lars served as Managing Director of Atea Sweden. Pettersson also has a history as Managing Director of Swedish IT companies Martinsson and QD UMEÅ.

Lars Pettersson will assume his new position as of August 24th, while current CEO Peter Gille concurrently steps down in order to act as Strategic Advisor to the Board of Director and to the CEO.

Over the last six years, neXus has seen a rapid development and growth rate, up from a revenue of SEK 58 million (~US$ 6.8 million) in 2009, to SEK 300 million (~US$ 35 million) in 2014 – and with the same high growth rate for 2015. A solid development, driven by acquisitions as well as a strong organic growth. Over the same period, neXus has simultaneously made extensive investments in the technological development of both digital and physical platforms.

"As we now stand before bringing our cutting edge expertise and technologies, developed over the past six years, to market – Lars – with his strong expertise in both consolidation and business & market development – is truly a dream recruitment", comments Michael Olsson, Chairman of Nexus.

Lars’ efforts will be dedicated towards a continued profitable growth strategy – with a special focus upon driving new technical platforms into existing as well as new markets.

"The customer and market demand for neXus’ solutions and technologies is quite extensive, and I see great opportunities for driving a continued growth of the company. I am also grateful for the opportunity to sign on as a neXus shareholder”, finishes Lars Pettersson, enrolling CEO of neXus.About neXus

neXus is a leading and fast-growing international provider of IT security solutions for large organizations and corporations focused around secure identification, access, and integrity – for both the digital and physical world. neXus’ solutions improves security and provides user friendly solutions for both physical and digital security applications. neXus’ digital technology is well recognized by American software analysts, with several applications in both Identity and Access Management and Internet of Things acknowledged as world leading. neXus’ technical solutions for the physical world have also received several awards within the Nordic security sector. As of today, neXus is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden – with subsidiaries in Germany, Norway, Denmark, France, Finland, Luxembourg, the UK and the US, and with agent affiliation in India.

Press contact:


Lars Pettersson


+46 8 685 45 60



  • Daten, Telekom, IT

neXus ist ein führender internationaler Anbieter von IT-Sicherheitslösungen und -dienstleistungen im Bereich Physical und Digital Access Management. Ein umfangreiches Angebot macht neXus zu einem idealen Provider für Identity- und Access Management-Lösungen aus einer Hand. neXus hat Niederlassungen in Deutschland, Schweden, Norwegen, Dänemark, Finnland, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Indien, Großbritannien und den USA. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


Claudia Wittwer

Pressekontakt Senior Manager Technology Burson-Marsteller +49 (0)89-17319440

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