Pressemitteilung -

Discover Uzbekistan - Silk Road Special

SILK ROAD ADVENTURE by SMS Frankfurt Group Travel

Frankfurt – Ashgabat – Dashoguz – Kohne Urgench – Khiva – Bukhara – Samarkand – Taschkent – Almaty – Frankfurt
Departure from Frankfurt/Main to Ashgabat.
Day 1: Arrival in Ashgbat. Check In at the hotel. Time for rest. Breakfast. Tour of the city. Dinner (B/D)
Day 2: Breakfast. Visit to a Basaar.Trainride to Dashoguz. Lunchbox. Overnight on the train. (B/D)
Day 3: Arrival to Dashoguz at 08:00. Breakfast. Departure to Kohne Urgench. Tour of Kohne Urgench and afterwards, drive to turkmen – Uzbek Border. Bordercrossing. Drive to Khiva. Check In at the hotel. Dinner. (B/L/D)
Day 4: Breakfast. Sightseeingtour in Khiva (UNESCO World Heritage Site, the old city fortress Itchan Kala with its minarets, medresses and masoleums). (B/D)
Day 5: Breakfast. Busride to Bukhara, approx. 7 hours. Picknick on the way in at typical uzbek teehouse – “choyhona”. Check In at the hotel. Dinner in the Medresse Nodir Divan Begim. (B/P/D)
Day 6: Breakfast. Sightseeingtour of the city (UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Masoleum of the Samanids, Kaljanminarett, Kaljan Mosque and Medresse Mir – i – Arab). Dinner. (B/D)
Day 7: Breakfast. Trainride to Samarkand. Check In at the hotel. Sightseeingtour of the city ( previously UNESCO World Heritage Site , the Registansquare). Dinner. (B/D)
Day 8: Breakfast. Continued excursion of Samarkand (UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ulugbeck Observatorium, Afrosiab, Gur Emir Masoleum). Dinner. (B/D)
Day 9: Early breakfast. Trainride to Tashkent. Check In at the hotel. Sightseeing tour of the city (Khast Imam Complex, Old City). Dinner (B/D)
Day 10: Breakfast. Visit to a local Basaar. Trainride to Almaty. Dinner – lunchbox. Overnight on the train. (B/D)
Day 11: Breakfast – lunchbox. Lunch in the train restaurant. Arrival in Almaty. Check In at the hotel. Dinner. (B/L/D)
Day 12: Breakfast. Sightseeing tour. (B/D)
Day 13: Departure to Frankfurt/Main. Arrival in Frankfurt.

Explanation of abbreviations:
B- Breakfast
L- Lunchbox
P- Picknick
D- Dinner

Tashkent Palace 4*
Asia Khiva 3* or. Malika 3*
Asia Bukhara 3* or. Omar Khayyam 3*
Asia Samarkand 3* or. Grand Samarkand 3*
Hotel Kazakhstan 3* in Almaty
Hotel Grand Turkmen or Ak Altyn 4*in Ashgabat

Services included:
Double room accommodation (based on twin rooms): Ak-Keme**** or Golden Dragon**** or Silk Road Lodge*** Hotel in Bishkek
Transportation (German minibus or bus with a/c)
Mineral water (1 litter per person per day)
Full board from Day 1 till day 3 according the program;English speaking guide according the program
Entry fees to museums
Porterage service at hotels and airport according the program.
Services not included:
Single room accommodation in Hotels
Alcoholic and soft drinks
Cost for Kyrgyz and Kazakh visas
Fees for video and photo shootings
Tips and private expenses of tourists
Price: starting at 2900.- EURO (plus taxes/fees at time of ticketing)Optional we create your individual tour along the Silk Road even longer or shorter. Just send us your details we create your tailormade Silk Raod Adventure.

Send your request here or call us +49-69-95 90 97 00!!!



  • Kunst, Kultur, Unterhaltung


  • uzbekistan
  • usbekistan
  • khiva
  • chiva
  • civa
  • xiva

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Jürgen R. Schreiter

Pressekontakt Inhaber und Firmengründer Reiseleiter & Lauftrainer +49-69-95 90 97 00

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