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Call for apllications: Floods and landslids in Sri Lanka

Affected area(s): Fourteen Districts out of the 25 Districts

Affected population(s): 200,382 individuals/ 52,603 families have been affected in 14 Districts. 100 people have been confirmed dead due to landslide and flooding in Gampaha, Kaluatara, Hambantota, Matara, Kegalle and Ratanapura, while 99 reported missing.

Crisis heading: Floods and landslids in Sri Lanka

Crisis description: Persistent rains since the 18th of May and particularly heavy showers and landslides on Thursday the 25th night. Although the torrential rains subsided, the Meteorology Department has warned of enhanced showery conditions again over the South-Western part of the island from today, the 29th of May 2017. It is expected that districts such as Ratanpura, Kalutara, Galle and Matara will continue receiving high rainfall in the next one week. Out of 17 major rivers, water level in 4 major rivers (Kalani, Kalu, Gin, Nilwala) has already exceed alarm levels and irrigation department issued alert warning. It is expected that with the anticipated rain in the next two days, water level of other rivers will increase. Early warning has already issues to the families who are living in the banks of these rivers. Search and rescue continue to be one of the main challenges due to the access to the affected locations. National Building Research Organization (NBRO) has issued landslide warning to identify high risk areas in Kegalle, Rathnapura and Kaluthra districts.



Kim Jensen

Kim Jensen

Pressekontakt Kommunikationskonsulent/Pressekontakt Ekstern kommunikation 30224511

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