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21-004-SO DERF Alert note Drought in Kenya (activated)

International Aid Services has submitted an alert regarding the drought in Kenya. DERF has decided to activate the call.

The drought is affecting arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs) in Kenya. The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), in their July 2021 bulletin notes that the top 12 drought-affected counties are Turkana, Mandera, Garissa, Wajir, Baringo, Kilifi, Tana River, Kwale, Marsabit, Kitui, Kajiado and Isiolo. The climate crisis, where the rising global temperatures are creating extreme weather, including severe heat waves, changing rain patterns and drought, is creating a widespread humanitarian crisis in 12 counties in Kenya. The failed rains of March to May 2021 have led to drought and spiralled ASALs communities into a devastating food and water crisis. The situation is leading to internal displacement fuelling local resource conflicts further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.


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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund