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22-001-SO/Tropical Storm Ana in Mozambique (Activated)

An alert has been submitted by Sustainable Energy (VedvarendeEnergi) Denmark related to the tropical storm Ana, which struck the central region of Mozambique mid-last week, and hit hardest in Zambezia Province. The storm was followed by widespread flooding. After first making landfall in Angoche District in Nampula Province on the morning of the 24th January 2022, the storm crossed into Zambezia Province, which had already been receiving heavy rains the previous weeks. Storm Ana had also impacted the Tete Province.

According to preliminary INGD data, as of 28th January, almost half of those affected so far are in Zambezia. Out of the 120,763 affected people, 58,414 are in that province. UNICEF reports that more than 45,000 people, including 23,000 women and children, are now in need of humanitarian aid. The Livaningo needs assessment data collected so far shows that the number of affected people in Zambezia will most likely continue to increase in the coming days, as the most affected areas, including Baixo and Licungo Nante and Cabuir, are still not accessible. As of the 29th of January 2022, according to the Operative Emergency Committee (COE) in Maganja da Costa District, 22,495 people have been affected by the storm.

Preliminary data collected by the Livaningo team and COE jointly, at the district level in Maganja da Costa, Mocuba, Namaccura and Lugela districts, indicated extensive flooding in Zambezia has destroyed houses and social infrastructures and now threatens people’s livelihoods. As of 28th January 2022, in the mentioned four districts, Livaningo has documented those 83 classrooms have been partially destroyed and 15 completely destroyed; there have been five deaths in Mocuba (4) and Maganja (1), with three missing Mocuba (2) and Maganja (1). In addition, 2,951 houses have been flooded; 557 were partially destroyed, and 394 were destroyed. Regarding livelihoods, 15,696 hectares of planted fields are reported flooded in Maganja (5,546) and Namacurra (10,150) in these four districts. In Namacurra, 7,356 hectares of rice, 854 cassava, 715 maise, 225 orange sweet potatoes were destroyed, and 4,238 missing animals were reported missing. In Maganja, another 991 hectares of rice have been lost and 5,116 flooded, as well as 212 hectares of maize, 60 hectares of cassava, 140 of peanuts, and 18 hectares of beans.


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