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22-005-SO Alert Note Drought Crisis in East Bale, Ethiopia (Not activated)

Promission has submitted an alert to DEF regarding the drought crisis in East Bale, Ethiopia. DERF has decided not to activate the alert (see decision note for more information).

The crisis has occurred in Ethiopia’s Oromia Regional State East Bale Zone with the Dawe Serar, Rayitu, Dawe Kachen, Sawena, Laga Hidha, Ginir, and Gololcha districts, having a total population of 717,929 and 43,076 m2 total area. East Bale Zone is characterized by recurrent drought because of erratic rainfall and with consequent crop failure and livestock death. As a result, the population in most of the districts has been under humanitarian emergency support for several years. 

For more information please see the attached alert note.


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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund