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22-007-RO Alert Note Fire on Market in Hargeisa Somaliland (Not Activated)

The organisations GURYASAMO, Somaliland Kvindeforening, Dansomala Forening, IFTIN Organisation, Multikulturel Kvindeforening, Khayr Foundation, SRNF Forening, Rajo Organisation, Hayaan Somaliland Humanitarian Organization, Hudeidi Organization, Xidiig Organisation OFROSOM og SSPDO have submitted an alert regarding a fire on the main market in the city of Hargeisa in northern Somalia.

The fire broke out and destroyed Waheen Market in downtown Hargeisa, Somaliland on the night of 1 April 2022.
With the unemployment rate high in Somaliland, the market was a lifeline for many poor families who depended on it to make a living. The unfortunate tragedy has thus rendered thousands of people, including migrant workers, who depended on the market for their daily upkeep, jobless and dealt a heavy blow to the economy of Somaliland. The fire tragedy has also coincided with the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, when traders had been preparing for a boom in the sales of food and other stuff. It also happened in
the aftermath of COVID-19's economic impact, the Ukrainian crisis, and recurring drought, causing extra strain for the traders and consumers.


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