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Call: Cyclone Gaja, Tamil Nadu India (18-014-RO)

Call for applications for DERF funding of emergency relief interventions responding to the following eligible humanitarian crisis:

Title: Cyclone Gaja, Tamil Nadu India

Location(s): Chennai, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Thanjavur, Pudukkottai, Sivaganga, Dindigul, Theni and Madurai Districts in Tamil Nadu, South India

DERF Funding Modality: Applicants choose the funding modality most appropriate given the context of the crisis, unmet humanitarian needs and their specific partnership

Deadline for submission of applications: Applications can be submitted until Sunday the 13.1.2019 at 23:59 and will be assessed on a competitive basis thereafter.

Allocation from DERF 2019 Funds: Allocation of funding for successful applications is from the DERF 2019 budget and hence conditioned upon DERF 2019 funding allocation as per the 2019 Danish Finance Act.

The following additional conditions will apply for this Call:

1. The DERF will allocate a total of DKK 2.5 mill. for this Call.

2. In implementation of decisions made by the DERF Steering Committee (DERF SC) on 15. March 2018 in its annual meeting (and subsequently approved by Danida), the following two conditions will also apply;

2.1. Applicants can apply for up to 70 % of the total allocated funds if they are qualified up to this amount per the results of their organizational capacity assessment; and,

2.2. Applicants, who as a result of a successful assessment of their application under the current Call exceed three (3) DERF funded current interventions (not concluded upon) and/or exceed a portfolio of 5m DKK DERF funded interventions not concluded upon, will commit themselves to undergo a further organisational capacity assessment.


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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund