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DERF current grants and deadlines in 2021

As informed previously, the contract between CISU and the Ministry for the management of the DERF Fund ended 31.12.2020.

The existing DERF grants will be finalized by the current grant holders and CISU during 2021.

However, as CISU has reporting deadlines to the Ministry on the contract, and the grants must be ended within the set timeframe, the following instructions must be adhered to:
• CISU will not be able to approve no-cost extensions of the existing DERF grants as per instructed by the Ministry.
• If you wish to change some of the activities due to the Covid19 situation, please send adjustment requests asap, you may also include new Covi19 activities in the requests and/or budget changes.
• Deadlines for final reporting and accounts cannot be extended. If severe and unforeseen circumstances causes delays, a request explaining these and the solutions must be submitted asap.

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DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund