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The DERF is again open

The DERF is again open to receive alerts and to open calls for application.

“We have been in continuous dialogue with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about how to solve the situation without a Finance Act” says Christoph Lodemann, Fund Manager of the DERF. “With the argument of the Humanitarian Imperative, which requires us to act when there is an eligible humanitarian crisis, we came to an agreement of making a quarter of the annual budget available now.”

For details about how to submit an alert to the DERF, please follow the procedures described at the DERF website.

Den danske nødhjælpspulje

Her finder man information om calls mv. fra den danske nødhjælpspulje DERF. Hvert enkelt call eller alert er publiceret som en 'nyhed', mens alle dokumenter ligger under 'dokumenter'. Man kan søge ved hjælp af egne søgeord eller bruge de såkaldte tags, alle nyheder og dokumenter er udstyret med.

DERF - Danish Emergency Relief Fund