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Internationalt partnerskab sikrer finansiering til udvikling af flydende offshore substation

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Internationalt partnerskab sikrer finansiering til udvikling af flydende offshore substation

Det internationale partnerskab kombinerer to årtiers erfaring fra havvind og fixed-bottom offshore substations med stærke kompetencer indenfor marine konstruktioner. Målet er at markedsføre et robust og omkostningseffektivt koncept for flydende offshore substations.

KØBENHAVN/ESBJERG, DANMARK / OSLO, NORGE - Semco Maritime, ISC Consulting Engineers, Aalborg Universitet, Energy Cluster Denmark og norsk-svenske Inocean har sammen sikret finansiering til yderligere udvikling af FOSS – et koncept til en flydende offshore substation. Partnerkredsen annoncerede deres samarbejde i 2022 – og er nu klar til at accelerere udviklingen yderligere med ny finansiering fra Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram (EUDP) i ryggen.

En flydende offshore substation (FOSS) er afgørende for havvindindustrien, da man fremover i stigende grad vil benytte dybere placeringer langt fra kysten. Traditionelle havvindmølleparker bliver installeret på havbunden, men ved dybder på mere end cirka 80 meter er det vanskeligt og dyrt at gennemføre installationen. Mellem 60-80 procent af energipotentialet fra verdens havvindmølleparker findes i områder med dybder på mere end 60 meter, og der er derfor et behov for alternative løsninger, der kan føre den grønne strøm til land – løsningen kan f.eks. være en flydende offshore substation.

”Vores fælles mål er at modne vores FOSS400-design, som vi tidligere har annonceret. Den indsats vil forløse potentialet for produktion af vindenergi i områder langt fra kysten på dybere vand, siger Tommy Flindt, Senior Director of Technology i Semco Maritime. ”Midlerne til projektet vil styrke vores koncept, da vi nu kan foretage en skaleret bassintest hos Aalborg Universitet. Denne test skal validere platforms- og udstyrsbevægelser. Vi er enormt glade for at kunne arbejde med denne banebrydende teknologi, der vil sikre en stabil og omkostningseffektiv flydende substation til det globale marked.”

“Finansieringen er med til at flytte vores flydende offshore substation-koncept et afgørende skridt fremad. Vi har, sammen med Semco og Inocean, udviklet FOSS400 med afsæt i den viden og erfaring, som vi har opsamlet gennem arbejdet med mere end 50 substations. Vi tror på, at vi har en konkurrencedygtig flydende substation, som vil kunne ses ved havvindmølleparker i nær fremtid,” siger Andreas Laungaard, Vice President of Renewable Energy hos ISC Consulting Engineers.

”Med afsæt i erfaringer fra vores INOTM-serie af flydende fundamenter til havvindmøller – sammen med vores resultater fra arbejde med integration/interface til HVDC-substations – ser vi frem til, at den nye finansiering vil accelerere vores udvikling af et robust og skalerbart koncept for flydende substations, der vil være en fordel for vores industris vækst,” siger Sara Helgeson, MD I Inocean Sverige.

Semco Maritime A/S
Semco Maritime is an international engineering and contracting business undertaking and solving assignments across the value chain of the global energy sector. The company also helps its customers to seize opportunities in the green transition and to ensure responsible fossil fuel extraction processes. Since 1980, we have applied our specialist competencies as a platform for the work carried out at all stages of offshore and onshore assignments – from preliminary analyses over design, procurement and manufacturing to installation, commissioning, and subsequent service as well as rental of manpower and supply of bespoke components, systems and solutions. Semco Maritime has 1,900 employees, who secure our customers cost-effective project management and operations from our head office in Denmark. www.semcomaritime.com.


Inocean is an affiliated company of Technip Energies and has delivered innovative naval technology to complex marine and offshore projects for more than 25 years. In 2001 we introduced the first floating wind turbine foundation. Our experience has developed to include participation in some of the world’s first and largest offshore wind grid connection projects with capacities of 500-900MW+ through partnership with industry leaders. This gives us a unique competence especially for integration of High Voltage (HV) equipment into the offshore environments.

Inocean delivers Engineering Expertise, Project Management and Interface Management from concept to offshore installation and commissioning, particularly in the business fields of Offshore Wind HVAC & HVDC (High Voltage AC and DC) converter substations and cables for offshore wind fixed and floating concepts. For further information, please see www.inocean.no.

ISC Consulting Engineers
ISC Consulting Engineers is an engineering consultancy company working worldwide to create value for our clients through innovative engineering solutions. We have been in the offshore wind sectorsince we designed the world’s first offshore substation 20 years ago in 2003 and the offshore business for more than 45 years. Today ISC is one of the leading consulting engineering companies in the offshore wind sector with an extensivetrack record of successful projects worldwide. The track record includes the world’s first offshore substation to the largest offshore substation and today more than 50 offshore substations worldwide..

ISC provides engineering design service solutions within offshore wind regarding HVAC and HVDC substations, offshore WTG foundations, offshore and onshore green hydrogen/PtX and offshore oil & gas.

ISC is based in Denmark with headquarter in Copenhagen and has 230 employees.
For further information, please visit

Energy Cluster Denmark

Energy Cluster Denmark is Denmark’s cluster organization for the entire energy sector. The vision is for Denmark to be a leading green nation in the development and demonstration of innovative and global energy solutions.

Therefore, Energy Cluster Denmark is a neutral, value-creating and member-driven innovation platform for establishing and facilitating innovation collaborations between small and large companies, knowledge institutions and public players throughout the energy sector.

Energy Cluster Denmark works with innovation across the entire energy sector; from energy production and energy infrastructure to energy storage and energy efficiency – with sector coupling, system integration and digitalization as common denominators.

Aalborg University

AAU ENERGY is a world-class research department within the faculty of Engineering and Science, which is ranked as the 4th best engineering institute of the world in 2018. AAU ENERGY, which is the host of the project, has the top-class scientific capabilities among the other departments of Aalborg University, especially in the field Power Systems. The main strategy of the department is to focus on developing the most advanced energy-related technologies with a certain focus on the concept of future energy systems, which is well-aligned with the current project.

At AAU Energy, the main workforce of this project is Offshore Renewable Energy Systems Research Group. Researchers, involved in this project, have a competent track record in research in the field of modelling of offshore structures, hydrodynamics, control, surveillance and optimization of offshore wind power systems. For further information please visit https://www.energy.aau.dk/rese... du yderligere spørgsmål om FOSS-projektet?

Semco Maritime A/S: Tommy Flindt, Senior Director, Technology & Market Development, Renewable Energy
Tel. +45 2492 9374, tofl@semcomaritime.com

Inocean: Sara Helgesson, Managing Director, Inocean AB
Tel: +46 31 169 820, she@inocean.se

ISC Consulting Engineers A/S: Andreas Laungaard, Vice President Renewable Energy

Tel: +45 2269 9058, alg@isc.dk

Energy Cluster Denmark : Lau Holm Albertsen, Project Manager

+45 3152 0526; lha@energycluster.dk

AAU Energy: Mohsen Soltani, Associate Professor, Leader of Offshore Renewable Energy Systems

Tel: +45 2184 7943, sms@energy.aau.dk




Sammen gør vi Danmark til grøn førernation for innovative og globale energiløsninger.


Sune Falther

Sune Falther

Press Contact Kommunikation +45 6160 0180
Jonas Nørholm Larsen

Jonas Nørholm Larsen

Communication Manager Kommunikation +45 2122 4304

Energy Cluster Denmark

Energy Cluster Denmark er Danmarks klyngeorganisation for den samlede energisektor. Vi bidrager til, at danske virksomheder udvikler ny innovation og teknologiske energiløsninger, som verden efterspørger.

Energy Cluster Denmark
Niels Jernes Vej 14
9220 Aalborg Øst