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CAT invests in Queue-it
CAT Science Park has entered into a seed funding agreement with the recently established, innovative it company, Queue-it, which has developed a revolutionary solution based on cloud computing technology. Queue-it uses ’the cloud’ and its almost infinite capacity and scalability to prevent website crashes in connection with transaction peaks. Instead of a full blown crash and a technical error message, which blocks all users from entering the website, Queue-it is activated. The surplus users simply get a number in the virtual queue along with an expected time to be served. As a supplement, the user can sign up for a reminder service via email or SMS.
Queue-it ensures that the number of users entering a given website will not exceed site capacity.
The users, who cannot enter, draws a number in line, just like at the pharmacy or post office, and
are held in ‘the cloud’ while they are waiting. In due time before the user’s turn is up, an email or
SMS notification is sent.
From a user perspective, this is a much nicer and more fair experience than the typical continuous
‘reload’ button procedure, where nothing happens. Now users also know that everyone will be
served – and in the correct order.
For companies buying Queue-it, it’s all about improved customer satisfation, cost reductions on
server capacity and manual extra administration following a bottleneck, as well as the possibility
to handle extreme load situations online, no matter when it occurs. In addition to this, end-users
are anonymous as Queue-it does not store data or in any way integrates with back-end systems.
The only integration is a simple link to Queue-it.
Queue-it’s Managing Director, Niels Henrik Sodemann, explains that initial customer dialogue
shows that the anonymity and simple integration means that the solution is extremely attractive to
organizations, which are otherwise unable to benefit from cloud computing due to security
concerns and limitations.
The investment
CAT Science Park and Queue-it have agreed upon a first round investment of DKK 1,830,000,
which are earmarked to future development and marketing of the Queue-it solution.
The Market
The problem, which Queue-it solves, has a global penetration and the potential market of the
solution is therefore in no way limited to the local marketplace.
‛Most countries will experience frequent crashes in connection with various peak situations
ranging from online ticket sales to education application deadlines‛, Niels Henrik Sodemann
The ambition
‛Our ambition is that Queue-it will be the preferred, global platform for online queue handling‛,
Niels Henrik Sodemann comments. ‚We have at this time received several positive indications
from foreign markets about our innovative approach to solving this widespread problem.‛
About the Queue-it founders
The three Queue-it founders, Niels Henrik Sodemann, Martin Pronk and Camilla Ley Valentin
have extensive experience within the IT industry, and they are all MBA graduates.
Please direct enquiries about this press release to:
Contact: Managing Director Kim Ove Olsen
Ph.: +45 4040 3838
Contact: Partner Camilla Ley Valentin
Ph.: 53 35 36 37
- Virksomhed, generelt