
With a Hosted newsroom you can mirror all content published on your Mynewsdesk newsroom to your own website. You can customize it in different ways to make it fit your brand and to create a seamless experience for your website visitors. All settings and customizations are found on the Hosted newsroom settings page.

Use your own subdomain (CNAME)

To create a seamless experience for your visitors you can make the Hosted newsroom show up on your own subdomain, such as press.acme-inc.com.

How to implement

First you need access to the administrative settings of your website's domain name, the DNS settings. Create a CNAME record for the subdomain of your website and have it pointed to mnd-ssl-proxy.mynewsdesk.com.

Enter the subdomain you've decided upon in the corresponding field in the Hosted newsroom settings. Once your CNAME record is set, the material you publish through Mynewsdesk will also be published under your chosen domain.

Post-implementation checks

After setting up the CNAME, a check is automatically run to ensure it's working correctly.

Estimated Implementation time

Setting it up is usually a simple task, but can only be done by someone who has access to the website's domain settings. Depending on DNS-provider and settings it can take some time before the changes take effect, usually about an hour.


Design settings

You can change fonts, font styles and background color to match your company's profile.

Custom header and footer

You can add your own HTML and CSS which will be rendered as header and footer in your Hosted newsroom. You can also customize the top navigation to fit the header.

Links in social media and emails

When publishing a material you can distribute it in social media and send it to your contacts. Links back to the story is by default pointed to the Mynewsdesk newsroom. You can easily change this setting to point your Hosted newsroom.

Embed on your site (IFRAME)

Instead of using your own subdomain, you can choose to embed the Hosted newsroom on your website with an IFRAME. The IFRAME is essentially a window to your newsroom on mynewsdesk.com, directly visible on your own website.

If you choose this option, you can customize your Hosted newsroom with the design settings for fonts, font styles and background color. HTML and CSS customizations are not applicable for this solution.

How to implement

Enter the URL of the page where you want to embed your Hosted newsroom in the corresponding field in the Hosted Newsroom settings. This will ensure that external links (for example shared links through social media) can be redirected to the page where your Hosted Newsroom is embedded.

Generate the script and paste it to your website, on the page where you want the Hosted Newsroom to be placed.

Estimated implementation time

Going through the steps above is easy and will take less than an hour.