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This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.
This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.

Press release -

Innovative natural antibacterial neck tube launched at EIT Health matchmaking in Tallinn

EIT Health, part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union, organise recurring matchmaking events where partners and the entire European network within the life science ecosystem have the opportunity to meet potential collaboration partners with the aim of creating new collaborations and consortia for various calls for proposals.

The focus of the EIT Health Matchmaking in Tallinn on 5-6 December is on health data and the themes are “Harnessing the full potential of health data for innovation” and “New models to deliver healthcare”.

HealthTextiles is a Swedish manufacturer developing innovative new healthcare uniforms and textiles with natural antibacterial properties, their PPE uniforms can be found in hospitals, health clinics and care homes across Europe.

HealthTextiles has been trusted by EIT Health to produce a new durable and comfortable product, a multifunctinoal neck tube, perfect for training and outdoor life, in the patented TorTex™ fabric that is natural antibacterial even after 100 washes.

  • We are proud to be commissioned to develop a neck tube in our patented TorTex™ fabric for EIT Health's matchmaking event in Tallinn. It’s a great opportunity to show the life science ecosystem what we can offer and it helps us with our product development, says Tomas Persson, CEO and founder of HealthTextile.

Health Textile is part of EIT Health’s Innovators Community as they have participated in one of EIT Health’s internationalisation programmes called Bridgehead.

  • This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.I am excited to personally use a product from an innovative startup like HealthTextiles that is supported by EIT Health. We look forward to seeing the development of their product portfolio, says Zara Pons Vila, Collaboration Lead

HealthTextiles has collaborated with DoubleRose in the product development and the neck tube is manufactured in the EU.


HealthTextiles is a leading Swedish manufacturer with a mission to save lives and decrease costs for the healthcare sector by developing innovative new healthcare uniforms and textiles. Offering unique anti-bacterial uniforms with Swedish quality and design, their uniforms can be found in hospitals, health clinics and care homes across Europe.

EIT Health - Together for healthy lives in Europe

EIT Health is a vast, vibrant community of world leading health innovators backed by the European Union. Working across borders, our network connects approximately 150 world-class partner organisations, as well as entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs from the worlds of business, research, education and healthcare delivery. Our ambition is to enable people in Europe to live longer, healthier lives by transforming businesses and delivering new products and services that can progress healthcare in Europe and strengthen our economy.



EIT Health

EIT Health is a vast, vibrant community of world leading health innovators backed by the European Union. Working across borders, our network connects approximately 150 world-class partner organisations, as well as entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs from the worlds of business, research, education and healthcare delivery. Our ambition is to enable people in Europe to live longer, healthier lives by transforming businesses and delivering new products and services that can progress healthcare in Europe and strengthen our economy.


Christina Bergstrand

Christina Bergstrand

Press contact Marketing & Communications Manager +46704552021

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Hälsodata i centrum när EIT Health Scandinavia anordnar matchmaking i Tallinn

Hälsodata i centrum när EIT Health anordnar matchmaking i Tallinn. Den 5-6 december är det dags för ett av vinterns viktigaste matchmaking-event. EIT Health arrangerar återkommande matchmaking events där partners och hela det europeiska nätverket inom ekosystemet får möjlighet att träffa potentiella samarbetspartners med målsättning att skapa nya samarbeten och konsortium inför olika utlysningar.

About EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the EU body European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT). EIT Health is a collaboration between more than 150 Partners within pharma, medtech, healthcare and healthcare funders, research institutions, and universities. Backed by the European Union, EIT Health is Europe’s largest life science collaboration organisation, and one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide. EIT Health is active across three fields: business creation, education, and multidisciplinary healthcare innovation initiatives.

EIT Health has partners and programmes in 17 countries. The Regional Innovation Hubs are present in Barcelona, Paris, Dublin, Rotterdam, Heidelberg-Mannheim, Wienna and Budapest. The central office is located in Munich. EIT Health Scandinavia covers Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Estonia, with an office in Stockholm.

EIT Health Scandinavia

Torsgatan 11
111 23 Stockholm

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