Welcome to Mynewsdesk’sINSIGHT PLATFORM 2025!
We’re thrilled to present the fourth edition of Mynewsdesk’s annual PR & Communications trend study. Over the years, one thing has become abundantly clear: PR and communications wield incredible power to drive positive change within organizations and society at large.
But let’s not sugarcoat it – our industry is also grappling with significant challenges. From high rates of sick leave and budget constraints to skill gaps and the uncertainties of the AI revolution, the PR and communications sector faces immense pressure. And that’s just scratching the surface.
Many of these challenges are structural and require system thinking to address them. But there are some constant challenges which we as individuals can tackle to become more resilient.
Drawing on insights from previous studies, extensive trend research, a survey of over 470 PR and communications professionals across Norway, Sweden and Denmark and in-depth interviews with the next generation of professionals and high profile experts – we sought answers.
What emerged were five enduring challenges that are with us in this industry, during our everyday lives.
We call them “The Five Dealing Withs”; five challenges that are constant – across industries – but are particularly prevalent in PR and communications. They’re issues we as communicators confront daily, regardless of societal shifts, crises, or technological advancements. And they’re having a profound impact on our wellbeing and work.
The Five“Dealing Withs”
By exploring how these challenges affect professionals and by sharing actionable strategies to navigate them, we aim to empower PR and communications professionals in their daily work, as well as inspire leaders and organizations to cultivate workplace cultures that foster resilience.
Happy reading!
- Dealing with Impostor Syndrome
That nagging feeling of being a fraud, unworthy of praise, or undeserving of success.
- Dealing with Uncertainties
Navigating uncertainties and unclarities in deliverables, briefs and expectations.
- Dealing with Rejection
Facing pushback or dismissal of your ideas by colleagues, supervisors, journalists, or clients.
- Dealing with Moral Dilemmas
Making tough choices between undesirable options or grappling with conflicts that test your ethics.
- Dealing with People
From initiating contact and building relationships to mediating conflicts and managing differing opinions.
What are the insights based on?
Trend analysis/Desktop research
Thorough analysis of trends and research on e.g. developments in work life, skills and wellbeing – in general and in the PR and communications industry in particular.
Digital survey among approximately 500 PR and communication professionals
On behalf of Mynewsdesk, Prime & United Minds conducted a quantitative survey among professionals in this industry, between the ages of 18 and 80. 473 interviews were conducted in the period from 24 October to 15 November 2024. The responses were collected via a digital survey, distributed via (1) panel and (2) e-mail to Mynewsdesk’s clients, who all work with communications. The respondents who took part in the survey via panel were provided by CINT. The survey primarily focuses on measuring attitudes and experiences. It does not directly measure the behaviours and experiences of PR and communication professionals but rather relies on self-reported estimations. Therefore, the responses may differ from actual reality. The purpose of the insight reports is to map out the professionals' attitudes and experiences related to the industry in general. The phrasing of the questions can influence the responses, which may result in varying outcomes for similar questions.
Interviews with future professionals
Interviews with four students at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, discussing their expectations, hopes and worries regarding their future work life in the PR and communications industry.
Expert interviews
Interviews with four experts on psychology, emotional intelligence and organizational ethics, aiming to get an in-depth understanding of challenges that professionals face as well as strategies to deal with them to build resilience among individuals and organizations.