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ESSVE launches new web

– Easier navigation in mobile devices saves time for the professionals

Essve has done a complete overhaul of its website and is now launching an improved web platform with new functions, new design and a new responsive interface. The new web page is also updated with an integrated product data base, making it easier for visitors to navigate in Essve’s wide-ranging assortment, and also get instructions and tips

– Today, the mobile phone and available digital support are perhaps equally important as the hammer to the craftsmen. With mobiles, tablets or computers we are doing everything from information gathering, customer contacts, product orders and invoicing. Therefore, we made it a priority to adapt our digital platform to provide tailored experiences with easy navigation, whether our visitors use their mobile phones, tablet or computers, says Finn Johansson, web manager at Essve.

Besides a new design, Essve has focused on integrating the whole existing product database with the site. This move facilitates smooth navigation and precise search options, making it easier to find products, specifications, applications and also instructions for each product.

– The new website gives our visitors a better overview and exact guides on how to best use Essve’s products. Hopefully, it contributes to making our customer’s working day more efficient. We want our website to be a knowledge bank where professionals easily can get product information, instructions and tips. The end users of our products are often very knowledgeable and we've also made it easy for them to also contribute with their own tips regarding solutions and products and share them on social media, says Johansson.

At the same time Essve is also increasing its focus on its social media channels.An updated newsfeed, insights, and tips will hopefully generate a better digital user experience.

The new website will be launched in Sweden, Norway and Denmark in their native language but also in English during in the second quarter of 2015. During the coming year, the new web will also be launched in Finland, the Baltic countries, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.


  • Building industry, industry issues


  • essve

Essve develops and markets a wide assortment of fastening products and solutions. Since 1970 Essve has enabled partners and customers to become more efficient.

In close collaboration with resellers, professional craftsmen and industrial clients, Essve develops innovative fastening solutions making work easier and securing lasting results.


David Hardarson

Press contact Marketing Manager +46 (0)70 576 56 95