Invitation: EU Tire Label - One Year On

Invitation: EU Tire Label - One Year On

Päivä 15 Lokakuu 2013 10:00 – 11:00

Paikka There will be a live broadcast demonstrating performance tests around the Tire Label from one of Europe's elite testing facilities. To be a part of the online audience, we invite you to join us by logging on to a dedicated website to watch the event as it happens and submit any questions you may have for the panel via email.

Over the past 12 months, millions of tires across Europe have been tested and equipped with the new EU Tire Label. The EU Tire Label is an initiative by the European Union to provide clear and relevant information to consumers about safety and environmental performance criteria and the benefits delivered by today’s tires.. The key question is – what has the label achieved?


Jenny Wahlsten

Jenny Wahlsten

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Group Communications Manager Nordic +46 70 203 30 23

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