Press release -

Hanken & SSE to showcase pioneering Integration Program Business Lead® during World Economic Forum

Davos, Switzerland 22 January 2019 – During World Economic Forum (WEF) Business Lead will be showcased, and Hanken School of Economics Rector Karen Spens will participate in a panel debate, concerning impact investment at the annual Swedish lunch event. The event is a multi-sector forum to promote the values of innovation, equality and inclusive growth.

The award-winning Integration Program Business Lead is a hybrid initiative, that helps boost growth and increases Finland’s competitiveness from an international talent point of view, as well as increases diversity of organisations which is proved to make them perform better financially and helps bridge the sustainability gap in Finland. Business Lead, created and run by the Financial Times-ranked Hanken & SSE, combines education, mentorship and internship to fast-track unemployed academically educated refugees and immigrants into business life in Finland.

“Business Lead is a showcase of a private-public co-design, where companies and governmental institutions co-create fast-track impactful social innovation. We are very proud to showcase this during WEF”, says Marc Hinnenberg, CEO of Hanken & SSE Executive Education.

Business Lead is delivered in collaboration with Finnish governmental bodies and organisations as well as private and public companies. Business Lead is part of the largest European Integration Social Impact Bond (SIB) project.

The UN SDGs are a key agenda leading the transformation towards more sustainable practices in business and policy worldwide and the Business Lead initiative supports the realisation of several of the UN SDGs. Hanken School of Economics is one of the 38 universities in the world listed as PRME Champion. PRME works with furthering responsible management education and with projects related to furthering the UN SDGs.

“As a leading business school in Finland with social responsibility at the core of what we do, we are very happy to be part of this impactful talent boost initiative”, says Karen Spens, Rector for Hanken School of Economics.

Business Lead won the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) gold award in the Talent Development category at the EFMD Executive Development Conference in October 2018 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Read more about the Integration Program Business Lead here and about the Swedish lunch in Davos here.


  • Education


  • social impact
  • world economic forum
  • integration program
  • hanken & sse executive education

For more information

Marc Hinnenberg


Hanken & SSE Executive Education

+358 40 515 7710

About Hanken & SSE Executive Education

Hanken & SSE Executive Education is the leading Nordic provider of executive education, ranked #1 in Northern Europe and #21 worldwide by the Financial Times. 

Founded in 2005, we combine the strengths of two accredited Nordic business schools – Hanken School of Economics in Finland and Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden. 

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Sari Salojärvi

Press contact CEO, Adjunct Professor +358 41 466 6064