Uutinen -

Additive manufacturing and medical devices: extraordinary possibilities

Once thought destined mainly for prototyping, additive manufacturing is now increasingly employed in the development of spare parts, small series production and tooling. Among industries at the forefront of innovative manufacturing, the medical sector has emerged as a major segment driving the growth of additive manufacturing. Additive manufacturing and medical devices: extraordinary possibilities.

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The vital role of gases

Atmospheric gases play a fundamental role across each stage of the additive manufacturing process – from metal powder production and storage to enhancing the printing process and post-printing cleaning.

The mechanical properties of a finished product are not only highly dependent upon the printing process itself, but the characteristics of the powder used in the process. The quality of metal powders used in additive manufacturing is critically important as it can impact on the physical properties of the finished product.

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  • Terveys, sairaanhoito, lääketiede


Milla Huovila

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Communications Manager, Linde Finland +358 50 3813 134