Ford Announces Jim Hackett to Retire as President and CEO; Jim Farley to Succeed Hackett as Company Continues Transformation

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Ford Announces Jim Hackett to Retire as President and CEO; Jim Farley to Succeed Hackett as Company Continues Transformation

Dearborn, Mich., Aug. 4, 2020 Ford Motor Company today announced that Jim Hackett, who has led the company’s transformation since 2017, plans to retire from the company. Jim Farley has been named the company’s new president and CEO and will join the board of directors, effective Oct. 1.

Hackett, 65, and Farley, 58, will work together on a smooth leadership transition over the next two months.

Under Hackett, Ford moved aggressively into the new era of smart vehicles and drove a deeper focus on customers’ wants and needs. At the same time, Ford improved the fitness of the base business – restructuring operations, invigorating the product portfolio and reducing bureaucracy.

“I am very grateful to Jim Hackett for all he has done to modernize Ford and prepare us to compete and win in the future,” said Bill Ford, Ford’s executive chairman. “Our new product vision – led by the Mustang Mach-E, new F-150 and Bronco family – is taking shape. We now have compelling plans for electric and autonomous vehicles, as well as full vehicle connectivity. And we are becoming much more nimble, which was apparent when we quickly mobilized to make life-saving equipment at the outset of the pandemic.”

Farley, an automotive leader with deep global experience and a successful track record, collaborated with Hackett over the past three years to develop and execute Ford’s Creating Tomorrow Together plan to transform Ford into a higher-growth, higher-margin business.

“Jim Farley matches an innate feel for cars and customers with great instincts for the future and the new technologies that are changing our industry,” Bill Ford said. “Jim’s passion for great vehicles and his intense drive for results are well known, and I have also seen him develop into a transformational leader with the determination and foresight to help Ford thrive into the future.”

Farley joined Ford in 2007 as global head of Marketing and Sales and went on to lead Lincoln, Ford South America, Ford of Europe and all Ford global markets in successive roles. In April 2019, Farley was chosen to lead Ford’s New Businesses, Technology & Strategy team, helping the company determine how to capitalize on powerful forces reshaping the industry – such as software platforms, connectivity, AI, automation and new forms of propulsion. He was named chief operating officer in February of this year.

Hackett, who will continue as a special advisor to Ford through March of 2021, said the time is right to pass the mantle of leadership to Jim Farley.

“My goal when I took on the CEO role was to prepare Ford to win in the future,” Hackett said. “The hardest thing for a proud, long-lived company to do is change to meet the challenges of the world it’s entering rather than the world it has known. I’m very proud of how far we have come in creating a modern Ford and I am very optimistic about the future.

“I have worked side-by-side with Jim Farley for the past three years and have the greatest confidence in him as a person and a leader,” Hackett said. “He has been instrumental in crafting our new product portfolio and redesigning our businesses around the world. He is also a change agent with a deep understanding of how to lead Ford in this new era defined by smart vehicles in a smart world.”

Said Farley: “I love Ford and I am honored by the opportunity to serve and create value for Ford’s employees, customers, dealers, communities and all of our stakeholders. Jim Hackett has laid the foundation for a really vibrant future and we have made tremendous progress in the past three years. I am so excited to work together with the whole Ford team to realize the full potential of this great company in a new era.”

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Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company on globaali yhtiö, jonka pääkonttori sijaitsee Dearbornissa, Michiganissa. Yhtiö suunnittelee, valmistaa, markkinoi, huoltaa Ford-merkin alla henkilöautoja, kuorma-autoja, SUV-autoja ja sähköautoja sekä ylellisiä Lincoln-henkilöautoja. Lisäksi yhtiö tarjoaa rahoituspalveluita Ford Motor Credit Companyn kautta ja tavoittelee johtavia asemia sähkötoimisissa ratkaisuissa, autonomisissa autoissa ja liikkuvuusratkaisuissa. Ford työllistää noin 188 000 henkilöä maailmanlaajuisesti. Lisätietoja Fordista ja sen tuotteista sekä Ford Motor Credit Companysta löytyy osoitteesta www.corporate.ford.com

Ford of Europe valmistaa, myy ja huoltaa Ford-autoja 50 markkina-alueella. Sen palveluksessa työskentelee noin 45 000 henkilöä ja yhteisyritykset mukaan lukien noin 58 000 henkilöä. Euroopassa toimii myös Ford Motor Credit Company ja Ford Customer Service Division sekä 18 tuotantolaitosta, joista 12 Ford omistaa kokonaan tai on enemmistöomistaja ja 6 on yhteisomistuksessa muiden toimijoiden kanssa. Ensimmäiset Ford-autot tuotiin Eurooppaan vuonna 1903 samana vuonna, jolloin Ford Motor Company perustettiin. Tuotanto Euroopassa aloitettiin vuonna 1911.


Tarja Hammarberg

Tarja Hammarberg

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Viestintäpäällikkö 09 4270 2131

Oy Ford Ab

Oy Ford Ab on vuonna 1926 perustettu Ford-merkkisten henkilöautojen ja hyötyajoneuvojen sekä varaosien maahantuoja ja tukkumyyjä, ja työllistää Suomessa noin 40 työntekijää. Yritys on osa Ford Motor Companya, jonka palveluksessa on maailmanlaajuisesti lähes 200 000 henkilöä.

Haluamme tarjota asiakkaillemme heidän tarpeisiinsa sopivia, laadukkaita ja turvallisia tuotteita sekä arkea helpottavia ja ajamismukavuutta lisääviä liitettävyysratkaisuja ja palveluita.

Ford siirtyy Euroopassa vähitellen kohti täyssähköistä tulevaisuutta Euroopassa. Vuoteen 2030 mennessä Euroopassa myynnissä on vain täyssähköisiä henkilöautoja ja tuolloin jo noin kahden kolmasosan myydyistä hyötyajoneuvoista oletetaan olevan joko ladattavia hybridejä tai täyssähköautoja.

Oy Ford Ab

Äyritie 24, Plaza Halo
01510 Vantaa

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