Tiedote -

RealSource expands and takes in new capital for further development of their transaction platform for Commercial Real Estate

Collector Ventures in cooperation with NFT Ventures invests in RealSource in order to support the offensive growth plans of the company. RealSource is a transaction platform for Commercial Real Estate that during the past years has established itself on the Finnish market.

"RealSource has created an efficient forum for connecting buyers and sellers of Commercial Real Estate and it is fantastic to take the company to the next level with such competent investors having broad networks that we now can become part of." says Casper Wallén, CEO at RealSource.

The equity is used to further develop the current transaction platform as well as integrating the system with other digital solutions in the property market. Furthermore, new digital tools will be created for transaction consultants in the market for bigger properties.

"We see that the trade with bigger properties is underdeveloped when it comes to utilizing digital services on top of email and generic data rooms. We look forward to help the transaction consultants to take new steps in making their workflow more efficient" Casper Wallen continues.

The transaction volume on the market for Commercial Real Estate has increased steadily during the past years. According to Pangea Property Partners the transaction volume for the Nordics went over 43 bn € (over 400 bn SEK) during 2016. This is calculated in worth the highest transaction volume to date.

"There is a huge potential in PropTech and we look forward to RealSource getting established on the transaction market for commercial Property" expresses Johan Lundberg, CEO at NFT Ventures.

For further information, please contact:


Casper Wallen, CEO I + 358 44 51 80 962 I Email casper.wallen@realsource.eu

Collector Ventures

Åsa Hillsten, CCO & IR I 070-081 81 17 I Email asa.hillsten@collectorbank.se



  • Yritystoimi


  • kiinteistö
  • proptech


  • Uusimaa

About RealSource

RealSource was launched in 2014, during the Real Estate fair MIPIM, as the first transaction platform in its kind and has since then grown and established on the Finnish transaction market for Commercial Real Es-tate. The property seller / broker can choose the level of secrecy the properties are sold. Via the platform both single assets and portfolios are marketed. Furthermore, RealSource develops internal systems for Capital Market brokers.


Casper Wallen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö CEO 044 5180 962