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​Swiss luxury watch brand invests in engaging user generated content

Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Favre-Leuba has been working with Flowbox for approximately one year to improve the engagement in their community. After implementing Flowbox flows on their website, Favre-Leuba has seen a great improvement in both quality and quantity of the content that their customers provide.

Founded in 1737, Favre-Leuba is the second oldest watch brand in Switzerland. However, in the 1960s, the brand took a break and went off the market only to be reintroduced again in 2016, after 40 years of inactivity.

Taking the brand from the 20th into the 21st century obviously means that there are a lot of things that need to adapt and change in order to fit the current times – one of which being social media and the need to not only maintain an online presence, but also engage and involve one’s community.

“Our website is bit restrictive, which means that there isn’t a lot of room to change or update things. Because of that, Flowbox has been really great for us to be able to incorporate social media storytelling and visuals to the website. With Flowbox, our website comes alive, with both video and photos,” says Tania Reut, Content Manager at Favre-Leuba.

Favre-Leuba saw the power in visual storytelling and wanted to incorporate it on their website with social media, but had a hard time going about it on their own. Uploading images to their website wasn’t the issue, but keeping the flow updated, making sure the images don’t get repeated, making it dynamic etc. proved to be more difficult than they initially thought.

According to Tania Reut, the community of people who purchase and own Favre-Leuba watches isn’t huge on social media. This is possibly due to the fact that their demographic is mostly men in their mid 30s to 50s, who generally aren’t the most active on social media at all. “There wasn’t a lot of content to choose from,” she says.

Needless to say, Favre-Leuba were looking for a way to get more involved with their community, and Flowbox was ready for the task.

Using the Flowbox platform, Favre-Leuba started incorporating user generated content (UGC) on their website with ease. For the marketing team at Favre-Leuba, it’s important that the tools they use are easy to maneuver and manage; user-friendliness is key.

“It’s nice to be able to do things yourself without starting a big project with the developers. With the Flowbox platform, I can easily add and change things on the website on my own, and small changes can really make a large difference,” says Tania Reut.

By using Flowbox, both the amount and the quality of UGC that Favre-Leuba can choose from in their masterflow has significantly increased. “It used to be basically empty, and now there’s a lot,” says Tania Reut.

On social media, they’ve also noticed that people have started talking about Favre-Leuba watches more, they’re getting more DMs and being tagged and featured in stories more. They have also seen an increase of 143 percent in website users from Q1 2019 to Q1 2020. 

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More information:
Bianca Rior, Content Editor, Flowbox


  • Mass media


  • favre-leuba
  • case studies


Cecilia Rehn

Press contact Digital Marketing Manager Marketing & Communication +46700621611