Press release -

Graphene powered solar farm: Join the upcoming Graphene Flagship Press Event

Join us for the latest Graphene Flagship Press event on Friday 18th September at 12.00pm (noon) CEST. Registration is free at:

  • The event will feature the announcement of the first graphene-powered solar farm in Greece, as well as presentations on other Graphene Flagship innovations such as sustainable water filters, wearable skin sensors for health and sports monitoring, and the latest advances in graphene composites (see full programme below).
  • The Graphene Flagship will also use this opportunity to introduce the Graphene Hub – our new platform of digital events.

The online press event will take place on Friday 18th September at 12.00 pm (noon) CEST (Brussels). You may register for free at:


12.00 – Welcome and Introduction

12.10 – The Graphene Flagship Solar Farm

Emmanuel Kymakis (Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece)

Graphene Flagship Energy Generation Leader

12.20 – Graphene for Sustainable Water Filtration

Letizia Bocchi (Medica SpA, Italy)

Graphene Flagship ‘GRAPHIL’ Project Leader

12.30 – Graphene for Wearable Skin Sensors for Health and Sports Applications.

Paolo Samorì (Université de Strasbourg, France)

Graphene Flagship ‘ChemSens’ Project Leader

12.40 – Graphene Composites for Pollution Removal, Airplanes and Space Applications

Nathan Feddy (University of Manchester, UK)

Graphene Flagship Business Developer for Composites

12.50 – The New Graphene Flagship Hub for Digital Events

Rebecca Waters (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)

Graphene Flagship Dissemination Leader

13.00 – Q&A


  • Energy issues

About the Graphene Flagship

The Graphene Flagship is research, innovation and collaboration.

Funded by the European Commission, the Graphene Flagship aims to secure a major role for Europe in the ongoing technological revolution, helping to bring graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications. The Graphene Flagship gathers nearly 170 academic and industrial partners from 21 countries, all exploring different aspects of graphene and related materials. Bringing diverse competencies together, the Graphene Flagship facilitates cooperation between its partners, accelerating the timeline for industry acceptance of graphene technologies. The European Commission’s FET Flagships enable research projects on an unprecedented scale. With €1 billion budgets, the Graphene Flagship, Human Brain Project and Quantum Flagship serve as technology accelerators, helping Europe to compete with other global markets in research and innovation.

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