Press release -
Kommuninvest raises EUR 1 billion in new bond
Kommuninvest today issued EUR 1 billion (approximately SEK 11.4 billion) in a new bond maturing on the 4th of October 2028. This is the third issue of the year in EUR.
The transaction was priced at 10 basis points above mid-swaps. The order book consisted of 29 investors.
– Obligationer i EUR är en väldigt viktig del av vårt totala upplåningsprogram. Vår tredje EUR emission för året hade hög investerarkvalitet. Med denna emission fortsätter vi att säkra så goda finansieringsförutsättningar som möjligt för de omfattande investeringar som kommuner och regioner gör i den svenska välfärden, säger Viktor Mejman, Förvaltare, Kommuninvest.
Kommuninvests långfristiga upplåning för 2024 förväntas uppgå till motsvarande 130-150 miljarder kronor. Med denna transaktion har Kommuninvest lånat upp motsvarande ungefär 95 mdkr under 2024.
Bonds in EUR are a very important part of our total funding program. Our third EUR issue of the year had high investor quality. With this issue, we continue to secure the best possible financing conditions for the extensive investments that municipalities and regions are making in the Swedish welfare system, says Viktor Mejman, Funding Manager, Kommuninvest.
Kommuninvest's long-term total borrowing for 2024 is expected to amount to SEK 130-150 billion. With this transaction, Kommuninvest has borrowed approximately SEK 95 billion so far in 2024.
Transaction details: Press Points
For further information:
Tobias Landström, Deputy Head of Debt Management, phone: +46 705 86 78 51
Viktor Mejman, Funding manager, phone: +46 10 470 88 15
Victoria Preger, Chief Communication Officer, phone: +46-70-266 87 26
Kommuninvest is a municipal cooperation for efficient and sustainable financing of housing, infrastructure, schools, hospitals etc. Together we get better loan terms than each one individually. Since the start in 1986, the Kommuninvest collaboration has helped reduce the local government sector’s borrowing costs by many billion SEK. Currently, 294 municipalities and regions are members of this voluntary cooperation. With a balance sheet total of more than SEK 600 billion (USD ~55 billion), Kommuninvest is the largest lender to the local government sector and one of the ten largest credit institutions in Sweden. The head office is located in Örebro.