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Integrity Defender's CEO Eve Mc Cormick explains online reputation management
In a world that has come to rely heavily on the web as an authoritative source of information, the idea of managing an online reputation is becoming more and more important.
When user feeds in a negative comment it is more likely to generate new type of threat for an individual or a company. When someone defames a reputation online, they face the choice between “attack and defend” in more ways than one. When dealing with online defamation of character, the rule of thumb is to respect freedom of speech. There are many individuals and businesses that would do well to make an effort to take control of how they’re represented online before undesirable information gets published.
Effective SEO can influence the search results in a Google or a Yahoo in such a way that a company can ensure that searches for their brand will yield positive, informative sites that help create awareness among the community. The same can of course be done for any individual's name. There have been countless news reports recently of applicants being cast aside from jobs or public figures being smeared in the press because of information posted on their own personal webpages, something that could in fact be avoided using online reputation management.
"Actively montioring the search results will benefit your online reputation all the way to that job you've been wanting, that political office you so covet, or the sales goals of next quarter," said Eve McCormick, CEO of Integrity Defender.
- PR, Communication
- integrity defender
- seo
- online reputation
About Integrity Defender
As a leader in Personal Online Reputation Management, Integrity Defender creates, manages, and promotes positive search engine results for their customers. Integrity Defender's innovative approach to online reputation management delivers unparalleled results within the ORM industry.