Press release -

Peter Cennamo of Trumatech says renewable forms of energy can help the environment

Renewables now compete head-on with coal and gas in terms of new installed generating capacity and the portion of world energy produced from renewable sources is sure to rise substantially as the tens of billions of new investment dollars bear fruit.

Renewable energy sectors attracting the highest investment levels are wind, solar and biofuels
While renewable sources today produce about 2% of the world's energy, they now account for about 18% of world investment in power generation, with wind generation at the investment forefront. "We will need many sustained steps towards the de-carbonizing of the global economy. It is clear that in respect to renewables those steps are getting underway," said Peter Cennamo, CEO  of Trumatech.

Consumers’ growing awareness and rising concern of global warming has certainly pressured businesses to consider more environmentally friendly solutions. Consumer awareness of renewable energy and energy efficiency - and their longer term potential for cheaper energy, and not just greener energy - has become a fundamental driver.

Ongoing and growing research is optimizing cellulosic feedstocks, including energy crops such as switchgrass, hybrid poplars and other prairie grasses, and residues such as corn stalks, wheat straw, forest trimmings, sawdust, wood chips, yard waste, municipal solid waste and even animal wastes.


  • Energy issues


  • peter cennamo
  • energy
  • environment

About Trumatech
Trumatech is a developer and marketer of high quality energy efficient environmental technology, from energy management controls for freeze protection and temperature management applications to pressurization systems for satellite and microwave transmission lines. The alternative energy methods of production include waste to energy, farming of green algae and bio-mass and bio-fuels production. Trumatech has over 15 years of experience.Trumatech is located in Houston, Texas.