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Through experiments, teamwork, and practice, each session aims to inspire the kids as they experiment with important STEM concepts.
Through experiments, teamwork, and practice, each session aims to inspire the kids as they experiment with important STEM concepts.

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RISA employees teach 8-week STEM module to students in Orange County

Orange County, June 10, 2021: Over the past few years, RISA has been involved with Stand Up for Kids - Orange County. Since 2003, Stand Up for Kids has focused on putting an end to the cycle of youth homelessness in the community. They work to provide basic needs, housing, mentoring support, care, and love to at-risk and homeless youth ages 12-24.

One of the ways RISA has partnered with Stand Up for Kids is through their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs. Through these programs, students are given hands-on experience in various subjects including computer science, architecture and biology. Through experiments, teamwork, and practice, each session aims to inspire the kids as they experiment with important STEM concepts.

Recently, employees from RISA have led a virtual course focused on engineering and specifically the "Engineering Process". In this students are learning how to identify the problem, brainstorm solutions, build a prototype, test and improve design. With this knowledge, students have applied what they learned to the real world example of designing a simple bridge.

For learn more about Stand Up for Kids - Orange County, their programs (including STEM) and to get involved, click here:



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The Nemetschek Group is a pioneer for digital transformation in the AEC/O industry. With its intelligent software solutions, it covers the entire lifecycle of building and infrastructure projects and guides its customers into the future of digitalization. As one of the leading corporate groups worldwide in this sector, the Nemetschek Group increases quality in the building process and improves the digital workflow of all those involved in the building process. Customers can design, build and manage buildings more efficiently, sustainably and resource-saving. The focus is on the use of open standards (OPEN BIM). The portfolio also includes digital solutions for visualization, 3D modeling, and animation. The innovative products of the 15 brands of the Nemetschek Group in the four customer-oriented segments are used by approximately six million users worldwide. Founded by Prof. Georg Nemetschek in 1963, the Nemetschek Group today employs more than 3,000 experts.

Publicly listed since 1999 and quoted on the MDAX and TecDAX, the company achieved revenue amounting to EUR 596.9 million and an EBITDA of EUR 172.3 million in 2020.


Benjamin Follett

Benjamin Follett

Director of Sales & Marketing RISA

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