Press release -
London, Tuesday 23rd of May: Marianna Kritikos has been appointed A+E Networks EMEA’s Vice President of Commercial Advertising and Partnerships. Following her strong performance and in-territory growth under her leadership, Marianna will also assume the role of Regional Director for Nordics & Benelux, where she will have responsibility for revenue growth in these regions.
Previously Director of On-Air Strategy (UK and International) and Director of Commercial Operations (Nordics and Benelux), Kritikos brings strategic, commercial, and operational leadership. She joined A+E Networks EMEA in 2013 and has previously held Sky and Time Warner roles.
Based in London and reporting to Adrian Pilkington, COO of EMEA and GM of Northern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Kritikos will lead A+E Networks EMEA’s London-based sales team, with a remit to drive digital and sponsorship and airtime revenues across its channel brands in the UK, Nordics, Benelux, Central and East Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
On Kritikos’ new role, Pilkington commented: “Marianna has a wealth of commercial and operational experience and is an extremely successful and respected leader within our business. Her previous experience at Sky gives her a great understanding of our most important partnership. We’re excited to see her excel as our business evolves.”
Kritikos will manage relationships with A+E Networks EMEA sales houses across multiple territories, including Sky Media, RTL, and Viaplay. She will also take responsibility for pan-regional ad sales campaigns.
Upon being appointed, Marianna Kritikos said: “I’m excited to be taking on this new role at a time of growth for A+E Networks EMEA. I look forward to unlocking opportunities that innovate, build and drive adoption of new advertising solutions for partners.”
Kritikos begins her role effective immediately.
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A+E Networks®
A+E Networks, LLC. er et prisbelønnet globalt medieselskap som tilbyr et variert medieutvalg, fra TV-kanaler og nettsider, til video/DVD, spill og undervisningsmateriale. A+E Networks omfatter A&E®, Lifetime®, The HISTORY® Channel, LMN®, FYI™, HISTORY2™, A+E Studios™, HISTORY en Español™, Crime + Investigation™, Military HISTORY™, Lifetime Real Women®, A&E IndieFilms®, A+E Networks International®, A+E Networks Digital® and A+E Networks Consumer Products™. A+E Networks' kanaler og programmer når ut til mer enn 335 millioner husstander i over 200 land verden over. A+E Networks, LLC. er et fellesforetak mellom Disney-ABC Television Group og Hearst Corporation.
A+E Networks® EMEA
A+E Networks EMEA, et fellesforetak mellom Hearst og Sky, er en kringkaster med en portefølje av banebrytende faktabaserte underholdningskanaler av høy kvalitet, som inkluderer HISTORY®, Lifetime®, Crime + Investigation®, HISTORY2™ og den nye free-to-air-kanalen BLAZE®. A+E Networks UK ble lansert i november 1995, og selskapets 20 kanaler når ut til 60 millioner hjem i nesten 100 land i Storbritannia, Skandinavia, Benelux, Mellom- og Øst-Europa, Afrika og Midtøsten. Selskapet har kontorer i London, Warszawa og Johannesburg.