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The Curse of Oak Island on The HISTORY Channel
The Curse of Oak Island on The HISTORY Channel

Press release -



Tuesdays to Thursdays from 2nd January from 21:00

Mystery Season returns with a packed schedule of brand-new programmes exploring some of the greatest, most enduring mysteries in the world.

Dive into a world of secrets, legends, and astonishing discoveries with this extraordinary line up.

Key shows include: The Unxplained With William Shatner, The Proof Is Out There and The Curse Of Oak Island.


Brand New | Tuesdays from 16th January at 21:45

Is it pirate treasure, a Viking hoard, or a lost biblical relic? No one knows, and anyone who has tried to find out has been met with dangerous setbacks—including booby traps!

The Lagina brothers deploy technology like never before, but there’s an even bigger obstacle: A prophecy predicts seven people will die before the treasure is found. The death toll so far: six. S11 (25x60)

Part of Mystery Season


Brand New | Wednesdays from 3rd January at 21:00

From UFO encounters to sudden disappearances to evil possession, host William Shatner, attempts to get to the truth behind the most bizarre, mysterious, and remarkable events ever reported.

With the help of the world's top scientists, first-hand accounts, and dramatic re-enactments, we gain insight into what's really happening and why. S3D (11x60)

Part of Mystery Season


Brand New | Wednesdays from 10th January at 21:45

Hosted by veteran TV journalist Tony Harris, the non-fiction series takes an in-depth look at some of the most incredible and thought-provoking videos of unexplained phenomena and mysterious must-see moments.

Each one-hour episode explores and analyses the full story of irregularity in question, from the latest UFO video leak from the Department of Homeland Security to a long-extinct species caught on camera to mysterious stone carvings in Japan and more. S4 (10x60)

Part of Mystery Season



Fridays from 5th January from 21:00

Join HISTORY2 this January for Ancient History Nights! Explore ancient inventions and engineering in Ancient Discoveries (S3), travel through history to reveal a radically different picture of the past, with innovations so far ahead of their time in Ancient Impossible, and discover new evidence which offers new theories on how human civilisation came into existence in The Universe: Ancient Mysteries Solved.

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A+E Networks®
A+E Networks, LLC. er et prisbelønnet globalt medieselskap som tilbyr et variert medieutvalg, fra TV-kanaler og nettsider, til video/DVD, spill og undervisningsmateriale. A+E Networks omfatter A&E®, Lifetime®, The HISTORY® Channel, LMN®, FYI™, HISTORY2™, A+E Studios™, HISTORY en Español™, Crime + Investigation™, Military HISTORY™, Lifetime Real Women®, A&E IndieFilms®, A+E Networks International®, A+E Networks Digital® and A+E Networks Consumer Products™. A+E Networks' kanaler og programmer når ut til mer enn 335 millioner husstander i over 200 land verden over. A+E Networks, LLC. er et fellesforetak mellom Disney-ABC Television Group og Hearst Corporation.

A+E Networks® UK
A+E Networks UK, et fellesforetak mellom Hearst og Sky, er en kringkaster med en portefølje av banebrytende faktabaserte underholdningskanaler av høy kvalitet, som inkluderer HISTORY®, Lifetime®, Crime + Investigation®, HISTORY2™ og den nye free-to-air-kanalen BLAZE®. A+E Networks UK ble lansert i november 1995, og selskapets 20 kanaler når ut til 60 millioner hjem i nesten 100 land i Storbritannia, Skandinavia, Benelux, Mellom- og Øst-Europa, Afrika og Midtøsten. Selskapet har kontorer i London, Warszawa og Johannesburg.


Joanna Fellows

Joanna Fellows

Marketing Manager +44 7583 022 665

Bringing human stories to life

Hearst Networks EMEA, et datterselskap av Hearst, eier og driver de eksklusive faktabaserte underholdningsmerkevarene The HISTORY® Channel, Crime+Investigation®, HISTORY2®, BLAZE® og COSMO TV® i Storbritannia, Norden, Benelux-landene, Polen, Midtøsten, Afrika, Tyskland, Italia og Spania. Hos Hearst Networks EMEA deler vi viktige historier som inspirerer og underholder seere med populære franchiser (The Curse of Oak Island, The First 48 og History’s Greatest Mysteries), og originale produksjoner (The Hunt for Baltic Gold, Cops Who Kill og The Royal Kill List). Om du ønsker mer informasjon kan du gå til:

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