Press release -
Thursdays from 30 May at 21:45
A gripping new series that explores some of the biggest miscarriages of justice in History. Each meticulously researched episode will see Emmy award-winning English actor Christopher Eccleston lead an in-depth contemporary investigation into some of the world’s most infamous cases of wrongful convictions.
Using archive footage, talking head interviews with historical experts and reconstructions, each exciting close-ended episode will bring to life these fascinating stories and explore why and how the system got the wrong person and what it says about our world today. (2x60)
Tuesdays from 7 May at 21:00
During the second world war, the Nazis looted everything they could get their hands on, including an estimated 600 tonnes of gold, thousands of pieces of artwork, and millions of priceless artefacts. While some of these items have been found, much of it remains missing.
Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos believes some of these stolen riches were loaded into specially modified U-Boats that are currently lying at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. His evidence: two top-secret documents acquired over 40 years of research. Using these documents as his guide, Darrell and his team of divers and researchers are setting out to find these lost U-Boats and answer questions decades in the making. (6x60)
H2 Favourite | Saturdays from 4 May at 21:00
Warriors delves deep into the warrior mindset - the rites of passage, the initiations, the rituals - to reveal what makes them rise above the rest of humankind to lead, to fight, and in some cases, to die.
Each episode centers around the actions of host, Terry Schappert (pictured), a dynamic adventurer embarking on a journey to discover what it takes to be a warrior. From the Maori to Medieval Knights, from William Wallace to Genghis Khan, from weapons to pre-battle rituals to initiations, Terry will immerse himself in the culture of one of the most famous warriors in world history. (10x60)
H2 Favourite | Tuesdays from 7 May at 21:00
Right beneath our feet, there are cities hidden by time that may hold clues that could rewrite history. In Cities of the Underworld, Don Wildman travels to the farthest and deepest reaches of the globe, using cutting-edge technology to explore mysteries buried deep underground. Across the season, Don will follow in the footsteps of treasure hunters to search for a lost Aztec colony, travel to Croatia to learn about the lost history of a little known pirate queen who supposedly ruled her empire from a muddy cave, and explore tunnels below the city of Los Angeles that may hold the clues to solving one of the most infamous cold cases in American history. (14x60)
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