Press release -
New Season | Mondays from 2 September at 21:45
For more than a decade, fans have come to love the Harrison clan like family. From rare art and weaponry to con men with cheap imitations, neither viewers nor the Harrisons ever know what might come through the doors of their Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas.
S25 (12x60)
New Season | Thursdays from 26 September at 21:00
To fully unlock the secrets of Skinwalker Ranch - widely considered to be ground zero for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Dr. Travis Taylor and Erik Bard expand the investigative team and broaden their reach to explore evidence of similar phenomena at similar sites around the country.
S2 (10x60)
Channel Premiere | Mondays from 2 September at 21:00
Following the success of HISTORY's two-hour special Life After People, this series continues the exploration of a world wiped clean of humanity, in even more vivid detail.
This series will use cinematic CGI to reveal - in scientific detail - the fate of every aspect of the man-made world. What happens to the millions of animals that supply our food? Which animals take over subways? Do satellites fall to earth? When does Mt. Rushmore wither away?
Each episode will unfold the hours, days, months and years after people disappear and will combine three to four different stories, from animal outbreaks to structural collapses, building to a unique visual finale.
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A+E Networks®
A+E Networks, LLC. er et prisbelønnet globalt medieselskap som tilbyr et variert medieutvalg, fra TV-kanaler og nettsider, til video/DVD, spill og undervisningsmateriale. A+E Networks omfatter A&E®, Lifetime®, The HISTORY® Channel, LMN®, FYI™, HISTORY2™, A+E Studios™, HISTORY en Español™, Crime + Investigation™, Military HISTORY™, Lifetime Real Women®, A&E IndieFilms®, A+E Networks International®, A+E Networks Digital® and A+E Networks Consumer Products™. A+E Networks' kanaler og programmer når ut til mer enn 335 millioner husstander i over 200 land verden over. A+E Networks, LLC. er et fellesforetak mellom Disney-ABC Television Group og Hearst Corporation.
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