Pressemelding -

Latest medical findings in the field of ventilation for children with neuromuscular diseases - presented at Home Healthcare Academy conference in Stockholm

Scandinavia’s foremost medical experts in ventilation for children will present their latest clinical findings concerning ventilation for children with neuromuscular diseases. The conference on 15 -16 November in Stockholm, will explore the potential for developing effective healthcare with the help of innovative technology.

Children with neuromuscular diseases suffer from increasing muscle weakness, which in turn causes a range of serious problems – including difficulties with breathing and coughing normally. In Sweden, around 100 children are born each year with various neuromuscular diseases, and these conditions have a dramatic impact on the daily life of both the children themselves and their families.

Bengt Midgren, senior lecturer and consultant at Skåne University Hospital’s Lung Clinic, is keen to emphasise that “there are a number of unrecorded cases, which makes it difficult to establish how many children overall in Sweden undergo treatment. This is due to underreporting”.

Many of the children depend on respiratory support, usually at night while they are sleeping, as sleep has an extensive effect on the respiratory function. A child’s coughing function can also be compromised by neuromuscular diseases, which can lead to recurring deep infections in the respiratory passages. In such cases, measures are required to help the child cough, to keep the lungs functioning properly and avoid the need for hospital care and treatment with antibiotics. How can this vulnerable group of patients be provided with the optimum conditions to ensure a good quality of life?

The conditions for care and treatment can vary depending on whereabouts in the country a patient lives and the healthcare options available. Medical experts see a great deal of potential for developing healthcare in a way that would benefit children with neuromuscular diseases. At the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, a successful collaboration has been established for several years now between various specialist areas, working together in a compact and well-organised structure. Cutting-edge expertise is pooled together to provide a holistic healthcare service.

“The fact that a home ventilator register is now being set up for children as well is a good reason to carry out a survey of treatment practice and gain a better impression of care requirements,” says Agneta Markström, senior lecturer at Uppsala University Hospital’s Respiratory Centre and Sleep and Ventilation Centre, and at the Lung and Allergy Unit at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital.

“We want to make a difference with meaningful innovations that save lives and improve quality of life. That’s why we are keen to play a part in highlighting the latest research and innovative technology that can provide the optimum conditions for children with neuromuscular diseases,” says Ulf Järnberg, Sales & Marketing Director for Philips Home Healthcare Solutions.

Philips Home Healthcare Solutions offers a range of solutions for optimising the treatment of patients with chronic respiratory diseases, including drug delivery systems, oxygen therapy and home ventilation. Home Healthcare Academy, the training centre for Philips Home Healthcare Solutions, is organising a two-day conference with talks by nationally and internationally renowned specialists.

Read more about innovations in home healthcare

For further information, please contact:
Käthryn Cars, Corporate Communications
Phone: +46 (0)708 32 20 22

About Philips Home Healthcare Academy
The Philips Home Healthcare Academy is a comprehensive centre of expertise offering training relating to products and therapy areas within the field of sleep disorders, ventilation treatment, respiratory support and oxygen therapy. The training courses are classified into different levels, ranging from basic training and advanced training, technical training and master classes. The training at the Home Healthcare Academy is provided by experienced medical specialists from Philips as well as well-known experts. For further information:


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  • respironics

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Nederlandske Royal Philips Electronics (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHI) er et vidtspennende konsern innen helse- og livsstilsprodukter, med fokus på å forbedre menneskers liv gjennom innovasjoner. Som en ledende aktør innen helse, livsstil og lys, integrerer Philips teknologi og design i brukervennlige løsninger med mennesket i sentrum, basert på grunnleggende kunnskap om forbrukeren og i samsvar med varemerkeløftet ”sense and simplicity”. Hovedkontoret ligger i Nederland og Philips har 122 000 ansatte i mer enn 100 land verden over. Med en omsetning på EUR 22,6 mrd. i 2011, er selskapet markedsledende innen medisinsk diagnostikk, akutt behandling og pasientovervåkning, energieffektive- og nye lysløsninger samt forbrukerelektronikk og livsstilsprodukter for personlig pleie. I tillegg har Philips en sterk posisjon innen barbering og annen velvære for menn, bærbar underholdning og tannpleie.  


Anne-Cathrine Tjørnehøj

Pressekontakt Press Contact for Lighting Philips Lighting Tel: +45 403 308 06

Anna Ekholm

Pressekontakt Sr Marketing Specialist Healthcare Nordic +46 708322109

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