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Topics: Health Organisations

Coronaviruset: - Munnbind hjelper ikke!

Coronaviruset: - Munnbind hjelper ikke!

​- Vanlig munnbind gir falsk trygghet og beskytter ikke mot coronasmitte. Det blir som å sette plaster på et beinbrudd. Du trenger maske med filter som hindrer viruset i å pustes inn, sier HMS-ekspert Bård Kulseth i Skydda Norge.

Enhancing Workplace Safety for 40 Years and Counting

For over 40 years, Skydda Group has been dedicated to making workplaces safer. And in today's world, that commitment is more important than ever. We're proud to offer a selection of top-notch protective equipment along with our expertise and services, to prioritize creating safer workplaces.

Skydda Norge

Vistaforsvägen 3
523 37 Ulricehamn

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