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Tata Consultancy Services retains #1 service provider in the Nordic region

  • Scores highest among 19 IT service providers with above-average results in every single KPI
  • Demonstrates yearly rate increase in the majority of KPIs

Stockholm, June, 2013: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), global provider of IT services, consulting and business solutions, announced that it retained #1 in the Nordic region for customer satisfaction. It is the fourth consecutive year TCS ranks highest in the KPMG Nordic IT outsourcing survey. Recently TCS has been also top-rated in the Nordic IT Outsourcing Study by Whitelane Research.

The KPMG survey covered CXOs of more than 200 of the top IT spend Nordic organizations estimated at more than € 14 billion. 330 unique IT outsourcing contracts were evaluated. TCS topped the overall client satisfaction score of 83% and was ranked highest amongst the 19 service providers evaluated with significantly above-average scores in every single KPI.

TCS demonstrated 3 to 11 point lead in customer satisfaction among the top 4 companies and significantly higher rates than many well established and recognized IT service providers in the Nordic market. Whilst TCS keep increasing their scores the survey average is dropping for all KPIs and overall satisfaction level.

“TCS is raising the bar for industry standards every year. While seeing significant growth in the Nordics, it is still managing to increase its customer satisfaction. KMPG study shows that the majority of TCS’ KPI ratings are gradually increasing every year. For example, TCS’ general customer satisfaction rose by 4% from 2011 and customers’ readiness to recommend TCS as an outsourcing partner increased by 7% from 2012.  TCS seems to poses unique abilities to understand and meet their clients’ needs in a better way than the well established companies with longer history in the Nordics,” said Yash Khanna, Director & Head, Analyst Relations, UK & Europe at TCS.

According to the survey, TCS has also been highly rated for customer relationship building (82%) which has increased by 4% since 2011.

“Working with Nordic companies since 1991, TCS has developed great sensitivity for local business needs. Driven by a deep-set commitment to our customers, we are very glad to receive this valuable acknowledgement from our Nordic partners. TCS’ success lies in its unique culture focused on knowledge sharing, innovation, customer centricity and our interdisciplinary approach. We are pleased to have a pool of innovative talents who always strive for high quality results and help our customers reaching their business goals,” said Amit Bajaj, Head – Northern Europe at TCS.

Present in Nordic region since 1991, TCS has continuously invested in the local markets to deliver consistent results to its customers with a level of certainty that no other firm can match. TCS now has more than 6 000 consultants working on projects in the Nordic region with over 30% of in-country staff being local nationals. Its scale of Nordic operations has doubled since 2010 with significant increase in local hiring.

Earlier this year CRF Institute ranked TCS as the #1 top employer in Europe with an exceptional performance across core HR areas: Primary conditions, Secondary benefits, Working conditions, Training, Career development and Company Culture. The company was also recently positioned among the global “Big Four” IT service brands by Brand Finance with TCS’ brand value standing at US$ 5,247 million in 2013.

About KPMG Nordic Region Service Provider Performance & Satisfaction Study 2013

More than 200 of the top IT spending organizations in the Nordics participated in the survey. All respondents are C-level executives, or in their direct line of reporting. The respondents represent more than 330 unique client-provider relationships. 19 IT service providers have been evaluated. The survey investigates current trends and customer satisfaction levels. In order to be ranked in the report, IT service providers must have at least eight client evaluations, each with a minimum annual contract value of € 1 million. The data is collected through a web based survey.

Tata Consultancy Services has also been ranked #1 in the Nordic Region for its Customer Centric Model, read more here.

About Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS)

Tata Consultancy Services is an IT servicesconsulting and business solutions organization that delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of ITBPO,infrastructureengineering and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 278,000 of the world’s best-trained consultants in 44 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $11.6 billion for year ended March 31, 2013 and is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. For more information, visit us at www.tcs.com.

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+45 53 61 02 00

Europe & UK

Abhinav Kumar


+32 22821927


Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), er ledende innen IT-tjenesterkonsulenttjenester og forretningsløsninger på globalt nivå og leverer en unik forretningsverdi. TCS tilbyr en konsulentbasert og integrert portefølje av IT-tjenester via sin globale leveringsmodell, Global Network Delivery Model™ – anerkjent i markedet som en av de beste modellene for programutvikling. TCS er en del av Tata Group, Indias største industrikonglomerat, og har over 276 000 høyutdannede IT-konsulenter i 44 land. Selskapet omsatte for over USD 11,6 milliarder i regnskapsåret som endte 31. mars 2013 og er notert på både National Stock Exchange og Mumbai-børsen i India. Du finner mer informasjon på www.tcs.com.


Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Pressekontakt Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

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Om Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)

TCS er et globalt konsulentselskap som tilbyr IT- og ingeniør-tjenester, integrert med forretningsløsninger. I over 56 år har TCS samarbeidet med flere av verdens største selskaper gjennom deres digitale transformasjonsreiser. Som del av Tata-gruppen, Indias største multinasjonale konsern, har TCS over 601,000 av verdens beste konsulenter i 55 land. Selskapet inntektsførte USD 29 milliarder for regnskapsåret avsluttet 31. mars, 2024. TCS sin proaktive holdning til klimaendringer og prisvinnende samfunnsengasjement rundt om i verden har gitt dem en plass på topplister innen bærekraft, slik som MSCI Global Sustainability Index og FTSE4Good Emerging Index. For mer informasjon, se www.tcs.com.

Om TCS Nordic

Konsulentselskapet Tata Consultancy Services har vært til stede i Norden siden 1991 og har omtrent 20.000 ansatte som jobber med kunder i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark. I løpet av de siste 15 årene har TCS blitt rangert som den beste leverandøren av IT-konsulenttjenester i Norden hvert eneste år av sine kunder. TCS har også blitt kåret til Top Employer i Norge 10 år på rad av uavhengige Top Employer Institute.

Tata Consultancy Services TCS

Nydalsveien 33, torgbygget
0484 Oslo

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