Pressemelding -

Wildix, in an increasingly global world, sets its sights on the Nordic region.

In order to consolidate and further expand its business in Europe, the company remains steadfast in moving into new markets and will do so with the nordic countries.

Oslo, 24/03/2021 -

Wildix, an Italian multinational operating in the telecommunications sector, the parent company of the first browser-based PBX and Voice Over IP (VoIP) products, has announced the opening of a new Nordic investment.

The arrival in Stockholm and other Nordic capitals also coincides with a particularly happy moment in terms of productivity and revenues: the turnover for 2020 has in fact recorded an overall + 32% compared to the previous year.

The Nordic countries, therefore, join Spain, Estonia, France, Germany, England, Italy, and the United States among the nations with Wildix operational headquarters.

"Wildix which opens in the Nordic countries as part of the tech evolvement that is already happening here. These countries are further along than a lot of other European countries and our solutions, which always have had a forward-thinking approach, is a great fit for the existing market and their future needs, "comments Steve Osler, CEO of Wildix.

The choice to open in the Nordics is given not only by the desire to increase its turnover by increasing the number of local customers and partners, but also by the objective of further making itself known - and launching on an ever wider European market - new tools that allow the integration of Unified Communications in the IT world in a simple, efficient way and at competitive costs.

With regard to expansion processes, we remind you that recently Wildix - unique in the UC&C sector - was selected as an ICT company in Europe with good growth prospects in Asian markets: through funding from the European Union, it participated in two trade fairs specialized in CommunicAsia (in Singapore and Thailand) presenting - during the NXTAsia - the new Cordless telephony solution with an easier and faster system design. These events have allowed Wildix to meet high potential partners in the ISP branch, satellite operators, system integrators, mobile operators.


  • business
  • unified communication
  • telecom
  • uc&c
  • telekom

About Wildix:

Wildix is the first Unified Communications solution that is 100% sales-oriented.

The company was founded in 2005 by the Osler brothers, two young entrepreneurs with a solid background in information technology and engineering. 

Wildix helps companies grow with 100% secure products that put the latest technology at their service, offering a booster for each step of the customer journey. Over a million Wildix active users worldwide trust in the communication services provided by Wildix. Thousands of businesses across 135 countries have seen significant cost savings, leaner business processes, and access to new business tools that guarantee a positive ROI.


Chiara Turrini

Pressekontakt Global Communication Manager