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Katja Pettersen

Katja Pettersen

Tourist Manager Visit Alta +47 91625408
Siw Sandvik

Siw Sandvik

Press contact Leader Communication and Marked PR, Communication and Marked +47 94793075
Rigmor Myhre

Rigmor Myhre

Press contact Communication manager B2C +47 95855320 Northern Norway Touristboard
Frans van Dinther

Frans van Dinther

Digital Manager PR & Communication 004793699112
Kjetil Paulsen

Kjetil Paulsen

Assisterende daglig leder +47 95 30 79 00
Ronny Brunvoll

Ronny Brunvoll

Reislivssjef + 47 95116165
Anja Tellervo Hansen

Anja Tellervo Hansen

Prosjektleder Destinasjon Sápmi +47 45 35 65 30 Destinasjon Sápmi
 Ole-Henrik Arnesen Rosenvinge

Ole-Henrik Arnesen Rosenvinge

Digital Markedsfører Destination Lofoten +47 92981717
 Julie Abelsen

Julie Abelsen

Marketing Manager +47 482 17 876 Visit Bodø
Tina Østrem

Tina Østrem

Head of Marketing +47 976 86 485
Joakim Blix Jaksland

Joakim Blix Jaksland

Digital Marketing Manager 0047 769 65 600

The official Tourist Board of Northern Norway.

Welcome to Northern Norway's global newsroom. Northern Norway is the place to experience the magical northern lights and the midnight sun above the Arctic Circle.

Northern Norway Tourist Board is the official marketing and PR company of Northern Norway including Svalbard. We have offices in the cities of Bodø, Tromsø and Alta. Our mission is to further develop Northern Norway as a sustainable and year-round destination through expertise, development, marketing and facilitations for sales of tourism experiences in the north.

We hold detailed information about the region, various offers, routes and activities all year, and we assist in planning presstrips to and in Northern Norway. For inspiration please visit . Visit Northern Norway and our partners have a media bank with stock images and videos of Northern Norway and Svalbard. The media bank is build up by our travel styles, and our personas

Here you will find relevant information, story ideas, news, and material for your stories from Northern Norway. All PR and press activities and enquiries can be adressed to

Northern Norway Tourist Board

Markveien 38b
9510 Alta