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Orkla scores top marks for sustainability reporting

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Orkla scores top marks for sustainability reporting

The analysis and advisory firm Position Green has ranked the sustainability reporting of the 100 largest companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and has given Orkla an A grade.

In the past few years, demands and expectations regarding Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) reporting have evolved rapidly. At the same time, the information provided by companies, and the way it is presented, varies greatly. The analysis and advisory company] Position Green recently assessed the reporting of the 100 largest companies on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Its findings are presented in the brand new report “ESG100 – Data for Decision-Makers”.

All the companies assessed have been awarded an overall grade ranging from A to F. The overall grade is based on subscores relating to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).

This year, Orkla has been awarded a grade of A, which according to Position Green’s grade scale means “excellent reporting in line with best practice. Good description of material issues and performance in these areas. Clear strategy and specific, quantified targets”.

“We are very pleased that Orkla has been given an A score. ESG reporting encompasses a range of themes and requires input from virtually every function. We have worked systematically for many years to tailor our sustainability reporting to meet changing demands and expectations, and it’s very gratifying to have our efforts recognised. At the same time, the Position Green report provides advice and input that we will be taking into account in our future work,” says Ellen Behrens, Sustainability Director, Orkla ASA.

“Uniform reporting based on common standards is key to providing the financial market and other stakeholders with information that may be relevant for them in their assessments of Orkla,” she elaborates. “In the past few years, we have focused on improving our climate risk reporting in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and on establishing reporting in accordance with the new common metrics framework launched by the World Economic Forum. For 2022, we will report in compliance with the new EU Taxonomy requirements, and we are currently also preparing to meet the future reporting requirements set out in the EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and standards.

We at Orkla want to take our share of responsibility and contribute to solving global health and environmental challenges. We do this, for example, by developing healthier food products, reducing food waste, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, launching products that facilitate circular processes and promoting responsible business practices throughout the value chain.

Read more about our sustainability work here:


Orkla is a leading supplier of branded consumer goods and concept solutions to the consumer, out-of-home and bakery markets in the Nordics, Baltics and selected markets in Central Europe and India. Orkla is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and its headquarters is in Oslo. In 2018, the Group had a turnover of NOK 41 billion, and approximately 18,500 employees as of 31 December 2018.


Håkon Mageli

Håkon Mageli

Press contact Group Director, Corporate Communications & Corporate Affairs + 47 928 45 828
Dag Olav Stokken

Dag Olav Stokken

Press contact SVP Communication Orkla Foods Europe/Orkla Foods Norge +4791665078
Bettina Johnsen

Bettina Johnsen

Press contact Communication Manager Pierre Robert Group +4748608934
Kristoffer Barbøl Vikebak

Kristoffer Barbøl Vikebak

Press contact Communication Manager Orkla Foods Norge/Orkla Foods Europe +47 45 51 72 72

Welcome to Orkla Global!

Orkla ASA is a leading industrial investment company. Its scope of activity is brands and consumer-oriented companies. At present, Orkla has 11 portfolio companies.

Orkla has a long-term, industrial approach to its portfolio companies. We invest in companies where we can contribute to further value creation through our industry expertise, consumer insight and experience in building leading brands.

Orkla ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

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