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Valuation of the ParTec patent portfolio leads to significantly positive earnings contribution

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Valuation of the ParTec patent portfolio leads to significantly positive earnings contribution

Munich, 21 February 2024: ParTec AG has spun off its patent protection rights to its wholly owned subsidiary FL Systems AG & Co KG as of 21 December 2023 and had them valued by independent auditors specialising in the valuation of intangible assets with the assistance of independent patent law firms. According to the valuation reports now available, the value of the approximately 150 patents and patent families held by ParTec AG in the field of high-performance computing (HPC) and cloud computing was estimated at EUR 767 million. The patents have not yet been valued. The valuation now carried out will be included in the annual financial statements as at 31 December 2023 and will lead to a significant contribution to earnings. As a result, ParTec AG expects a significantly higher profit for 2023, which will significantly strengthen equity.

Thanks to this significant strengthening of equity, ParTec AG considers itself very well equipped to meet the exponential demand for modular supercomputers for artificial intelligence (so-called AI super trainers) and to realise the licensing of its property rights.

Bernhard Frohwitter, CEO of ParTec AG: "We have great potential with our patents. Our developments and inventions are already being used all over the world in the construction of supercomputers. Our efforts in research and development will also be reflected in patents all over the world in the future. We see the commercial utilisation of our strong patent base as a pillar of Partec AG's success."

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ParTec AG specialises in the development and manufacture of modular supercomputers and quantum computers as well as accompanying system software. Its services include the distribution of future-oriented High-Performance Computers (HPC) and Quantum Computers (QC) as well as consulting and support services in all areas of development, construction and operation of these advanced systems. The approach of modular supercomputing represents a unique selling point and success feature of ParTec AG, which has proven particularly successful for the complex requirements of massive computing power in AI. Further information on the company as well as on ParTec AG's innovative solutions in the field of high-performance computing and quantum computing can be found at


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ParTec AG

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