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Planmeca Romexis Smile Design FAQ – Efficient communication and treatment planning

What do you need for fast, easy, efficient, and smooth smile designing? Planmeca Romexis® Smile Design is a software program for digital smile designing, efficient communication, and fast treatment planning. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the software.

Q: What kind of photo do I need to design a smile with Planmeca Romexis Smile Design?
A: You only need a photo of the patient smiling to start the design. You can also use a retractor image together with the regular smile photo, especially if parts of the patient's teeth are covered by their lips. This will help with designing the gingival area. You can also import other images if you want, for example from the patient’s profile, but these are not required.

Q: What other requirements are there for the photo?
A: The positioning of the patient is the most important part. It is best that the photo is taken with the patient looking straight ahead to the camera. Using a camera stand might help. The patient could also lean against the wall while sitting on a chair to get the best possible picture. There are no special requirements for the camera used, but images with better resolution are likely to help with the design and communication with the patient.

Q: How can I create a mock-up from a virtually designed smile?
A: You can use the smile design silhouette to transfer the design onto CAD/CAM software and from there you can 3D print the model of the new teeth, create a silicon key and create a mock-up into the patient’s mouth. In some cases you can also create a mock-up by milling the designed restorations, from PMMA blocks for example.

Q: How does Planmeca Romexis Smile Design work with other clinic equipment and software?
A: From Planmeca you can get everything needed at a modern dental clinic with the seamless integration of software and devices. If you do decide to go with the complete Planmeca Romexis® software you’ll have all the various tools in one single software platform – from CAD/CAM to smile design and 2D and 3D. But if you prefer to use other than Planmeca equipment together with Planmeca’s smile design program, that is a possibility too. Our software are open architecture solutions, so if you wish to use Planmeca Romexis Smile Design with some other manufacturer’s CAD/CAM system, you can do that as well.

Questions answered by Planmeca Romexis Smile Design Product Manager Saila Parmes

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  • software
  • smile design
  • faq

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