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Plantagon in Dagens Nyheter
Read about Plantagon on Dagens Nyheter (Swedish)
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Read about Plantagon on Dagens Nyheter (Swedish)
Plantagon competes in the European Business Awards sponsored by HSBC. Plantagon International AB has together with companies such as H&M, Sandvik and Atlas Copco been selected as one of 15 Country Representatives for Sweden in the European Business Awards sponsored by HSBC.
STOCKHOLM – May 13, 2011 – Plantagon International AB announced today it has been selected as a Finalist for Red Herring's Top 100 Europe award, a prestigious list honoring the year’s most promising private technology ventures from the European business region.
Plantagon has signed a letter of intent with the Botkyrka municipality in Sweden for establishing a vertical greenhouse. The project has received funding from the Swedish government's Clean-tech Initiative, the Delegation for Sustainable Cities. Construction is planned to begin in 2012.
Detaljplan i Kallerstad är nu antagen av Samhällsbyggnadsnämnden i Linköping. I detaljplanen ingår ett område avsett för ett kombinerat växthus och kontor för Plantagon International. Detta innebär att världens första vertikala växthus för industriell storstadsodling nu tagit ett betydande och viktigt steg framåt.